rain or snow

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I would rather work in the...

  • Rain

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • Snow

    Votes: 33 84.6%
  • Sleet / hail

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
I wouldn't wanna do that.

But... at least we know where you WON'T be in November.

My twist on gardening

Yep. I work pretty well with all things Mother Nature. Winter time is the time to inoculate larger logs for harvests next Fall.

November is TCIA Expo, actually it's not November this year. It's October 28 29 and 30th in downtown Detroit, Michigan. Elizabeth has released me to go without her this year.
Can You give me a source for inoculants? I know that it can be done easily with a spore print fron fresh 'shrooms but fresh hardwood growing mushrooms are hard to find here.-I see shiitakes sometimes but don't theyt require oak?-Very little oak over a few inches DBH around here.
Snow for sure...

As everyone has said it brushes off etc...

but I always find a light snow fall very calming, quite almost... the drone goes away and it can be very pleasant.

That being said, salt and chippers sucks! it seems when ever we get a good dump of snow, the chipper never runs, getting towed down the road it just gets just covered with goo, and I hate to even bring it out.
Originally posted by SilverBlue
Justin, http://www.fungi.com/

Jim how about starting a thread?

That's a thought, I've never started a thread before. Mebbe this Winter

http://www.mushroompeople.com. are a really good supplier. The 'inoculant' is called 'spawn. You use spawn to inoculate logs. Unless you're creating spawn using biofermentation liquid culture, in which case the liquid used to make the spawn is called 'inoculum'.

Correctness in wordage. I get that from Nicrosis.

Sorry to derail.

I always find a light snow fall very calming, quite almost... the drone goes away and it can be very pleasant.
Thank YOU, Matt. You just described what I consider to be one of the finest working days of the year.
Serious, though I'd never really thought about it

Yup. I read a lot more from here than I write. I reply here and there, but usually lurk around in the quest for new tidbits of knowledge. Never have had the need to start a thread. The ones everyone else start are so good.:)