ArboristSite Guru
He gets deals like this through the university all the time tho. He bought a Chevy sedan that had 1400 miles for a thousand bucks. I got a 6 holder kayak trailer for $100 from the same place.
Oh my wife wants a “farm” not really specific other than “farm” I would more land but I have a pretty small mortgage by todays standards, which allows me to buy stupid things that I don’t really need.So pleased to read this entire thread and not one person mentioned 'Jinma'.
So I will--STAY AWAY!.
No, I don't have one but looked at them in detail a couple of decades ago because the price looked so good, and determined they were junk; I grew up on a dairy farm in the 50's and 60's and knew what a real tractor should look like. A friend bought one without asking and it has spent almost the entire time since as an occupant of shop space because he can't get parts. And of course because it breaks parts.
'Entire time' is what--10 years?
Being an old guy now I have two Kubotas, 18 and 35 hp, one HST and one geared, and both are good tractors. Dealer support is a major consideration. Keep your eyes open around your area and note what colour you see a lot of; that will determine what dealers are still there in the future I bet.
Oh for the poster who dissed the geared transmission in his dozer--I agree and I don't. I own a D4D with geared, have spend a lot of time on a D6C and D8K--and have had to repair the power-shift hydraulic drive in the D8K. That made the never-fail, simple, gear-and-clutch system of the D4 look pretty good! But I'd not want to have clutched a D8, especially clearing winter snowpack in spring off of steep logging roads in west coast mountains. Anyone who has done that will know exactly what I mean.
If you get too big a tractor for your land?--don't worry, just buy more land to fit the tractor. Way more fun.
Thank you sirFor your reading pleasure:
"....which allows me to buy stupid things that I don’t really need."
Okay, I'm puzzled--what's that got to do with buying a tractor?
One thing I don't think I saw mentioned--is your land flat? If so then one doesn't really need 4WD, and then some of the older farm tractors, if found well maintained, can be a lot more solid than a lot of this new stuff. Say like an IH 504 Utility diesel. I have no idea how one could destroy one of those.
Nothing wrong with stick shift. All I have every had on my tractors. Did have shuttle on. 580 Case backhoe.I have 3 old tractors around here that I use for all kinds of things.
Get the stick shift. Save a little money.
Get the larger horsepower
Got a few more numbers today and waiting in the bobcat numbers. The 2800 difference between the 2610 and 3510 all said and done. Third function is a grand. Not sure if I can add that on myself for less or not I have to look into it. I’d like a grapple but not sure it’s in the budget at this time. The grapple is another 2500 on top of the third function. 5’ brush hog brand tiller is 2500 and brush hog brand box blade is 1k. Trying to decide on attachments as well.
... I’d like a grapple but not sure it’s in the budget at this time. The grapple is another 2500 on top of the third function ... Trying to decide on attachments as well.
Also, for $2500 I'd really be looking hard at an everything attachments grapple instead. They're light and designed for use on compact tractors. A heavy skid loader grapple sucks on a cut.
I’m was talking to the mrs about it last night and she made a good point. If I stepped down in size a bit to my original plan of a sub compact I could get the loader,mower deck and a backhoe ad opposed to the compact with just the loader. I’m sure the backhoe would be handy at times but I don’t see it getting a ton of use. We’ll at least not at this time. I def could make the subcompact work. I always tend to go for overkill more often than not it’s just my nature I suppose.
So now I’m more conflicted than when I started looking.
I normally enjoy shifting. I almost always use a standard in my cars. I was thinking one thing if I get a hydro and decide to sell it ever I assume that would help resale. As would the 35hp over the 25. We’ll I would think anyway….