I just looked on the bay and there is a HL43
on there for 35 bucks. Looks like it might be
a carb that could work.
on there for 35 bucks. Looks like it might be
a carb that could work.
I just looked on the bay and there is a HL43
on there for 35 bucks. Looks like it might be
a carb that could work.
I have an old Craftsman 7/8" deepwell socket that almost fits in the hole. 1.180" outside diameter. I stopped at Sears yesterday and measured a new one at 1.170" outside diameter.
I may just drag the whole she-bang into the store and do a trial fit. New socket is nearly 9 USD out the door.
Wish I had a lathe.
You need a thin wall socket. Try catching a snap on, mac, or matco truck at an automotive shop. Or.....
I'm willing to bet that you have a poor man's lathe.... A short piece of all thread, a couple nuts, and a couple of washers + a drill motor should work just fine. Use sandpaper to turn the OD down.
There is a difference between the housing on a Tillotson equipped Bantam type and one with a Carter ND. You can not just swap carbs. because the Tilly HL requires two holes for the high and low speed jets.
Looks to me like you cut a small black square with an "x" in it...
Looks to me like you should be milling that spalted maple into boards or at least chunks large enough to make some band saw boxes.
Better yet, guitars...
Photo stolen from the web.
This thing worth anything? Owner claims it runs.
This thing (Remington SL-7) worth anything? Owner claims it runs.
If it is all there and runs, hell yes.
There are almost no parts out there for the really big PL/SL saws.
Only been three on evilbay in the past two years.
Picked this up today at a flea market, it is a Mall reciprocating saw that attaches to an electric drill.
Also got a little circular saw as well.