Remington Roller Nose

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Hi Dennis, thats what you call a tree! Excellent picture. I still cant get enough of felling timber. What a rush when it starts to move off the stump! There is probably more footage in that stem then I could log all week.
Kid Feller


My kid can fell better than yours!! He's 30 now, but he is a timber faller by trade. Dennis
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J.J. we both work for Skyline Alterations out of Susanville, Ca. I haven't worked since the end of July because of my hip, but Aaron has worked from mid-April til last week. They were working in about a foot of snow at 6000' and they finished up there sale [SP ground] and they shut them down for awhile. The mechanical side is still working lower, but its misirable. He cuts by the piece and has done well this season. He's an avid hunter and fisherman so he doesn't mind the time off right now for duck and goose season. We cut for Columbia or Ericson Helicopter sometimes when they come around are area, mostly in the winter or spring. We've worked for Skyline for about 5 years straight now, cutting there yarder for 2 years. Just cat logging now, they sold there yarder. They carry about 5 steady cutters, but had 8 at the end of this year. They try to set the rate for the average guy to make $300 for 61/2 hours, but you have to cut by the piece, not by the day. So you work for the money. They have been good to work for and we get along good with the boss too. I'm good friends with one of them. Still I wish Aaron would finish school so he has something to fall back on if things ever changed. The woods has always kept us feeling free and independent but things are changing day by day. Dennis
Dennis- I hear you. The company I work for, Superior Helicopter, logs more and more trash every month. Avg. stem diameter right now is about 22". A man has to fall and manufacture around 90-100 stems a day to make it worthwhile. I'm getting out in the springtime, firefighting is far more lucrative and there's other work out there for a log cutter that isn't hooked on working around home. My cousin works for Columbia and does well, they're in Boise right now, logging some big residual stuff.
Another prefect lay!

After a lot of beating and heavy breathing she went! A good old 1/2 rotten piss fir, not much money made on this one!
Working there sucks

J.J., Ya, I've been up there. Hated it ! Lived in a camp out of Wrangle, on the main land close to the Canadian border. It rained every day, lots of devils club, and mosquitoes totally miserable. Worked under a big 110' Washington tower, lots of big blow down. Very dangerous!! We didn't have that big of spruce, but I know its up there. Have you ever bucked a root wod off and have it roll down at you instead of roll back in its hole. If it wasn't for my lightning speed I'd of died right there!! I didn't last very long up there, and besides I'm a sunshine logger. The hemlock was the rotten stuff where I was, most of the time in the muskeg!
It's too bad that rat faced Cahoon isn't around anymore, I found another Remington rollernose for his motorsickle saw, but alas, he has gone to 3/8" and won't be needing it anymore, so maybe N.B. Logger or Rotax Robert could use it.
All I need is 150$ for the whole pkg.