MY guess would be that the installer used the wrong sized drill bit to bore the original hole. Too big a hole for any style equipment, it will pull through easily.
Was that cable that pulled through done with traditional hardware, or with Rigguys wire nuts? The drill you use for your older style 5/8" anchor bolts is not correct for installing Rigguys wire nuts. 1/16" larger than the strand you are using is correct.
Note: the holes are easier to drill when the bit is smaller; cheaper drill bits too!
Was that cable that pulled through done with traditional hardware, or with Rigguys wire nuts? The drill you use for your older style 5/8" anchor bolts is not correct for installing Rigguys wire nuts. 1/16" larger than the strand you are using is correct.
Note: the holes are easier to drill when the bit is smaller; cheaper drill bits too!
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