The growth rings on the evolution of all the branchings and intricacies of this place is like any other; different things handled differently; coddled more tenderly in the infancy to form the charachter, strength and weaknesses that now carry on the inertia of a seperate existance from all the effort input.
i think JP coulda trimed more here, less there etc.; but in the balance was "Good as Any, Better than Many" and then some. i think his heart and head were in the right places respectively, save with all disrespect a foot too high in each case!!

i believe in free speach, but think that negativity is a force as any other, perhaps even a dis-ease. One that wishes not to die, but only change form and takes overwhelming/matching force to equalize; if not wished to roll on dancing to different forms of ugliness. So, theoretically, a lot of negativity can be a stunning waste of energy.
For, you have the force of the negativity, then the matching just to equalize to Zer0; but both parts could have been used to go forward, not backward; or chasing your own self around back to Zer0. The sum of all the pulls and pushes in a system make up it's balance or personality, each one able to throw things off a bit, especially those operating in extreme direction and/or forcefullness.
To correct off balance without going to opposite extreme, takes clean, focused intense force to and thru balanced center to target without distraction, as all ways and always i have seen this in trees, and can apply it elsewhere around me.
In a time of the one called Forrest/SpikeSupra; that caused such a stir, as to block our vision of and to the trees; i seemed to stand with him at every turn. i didn't like all of what he was/was not; but stood at the most extreme counterbalancing point of a negativity towards some folks and types as an unproductive climate to sense, civility and purpose here. Not so much for just his sake, but any that may wish to ask or speak here. Minding not so much where i stood specifically, but my affect on the total balance. Today, those extremes to either side exist not (fortunately). So, i have not a leveraged point of pull to try to pull to center target balance; so am left to the clean blown truth to power thru, without distraction.
Once again the 2 Ph sciences meet as in times of olde; and their first discovery.