Years ago I was commercial crawfishing. Blew my outboard so I made a deal to fish on a farm. Ran three to six hundred traps a day wading in a 50-90 acre pond and dragging a boat behind with the bait and sacking table for the crawfish. Started at first light and when conditions were favorable sometimes I was done by two in the afternoon. One morning I was walking through these weeds sticking up in the water. That's odd, don't remember them being here even yesterday.
As the sun came up a little I saw I was wading through hundreds of 18-20" long cottonmouth moccasins. Keerrrap! Looked ahead, there was a lot more of those weeds sticking up. Looked back, same story. I'm mid-thigh or a bit deeper in the water and Lee jeans not being what they once were I'm pretty sure they aren't snake proof. Just a minute's thought and I went back to pulling traps. It was at least a hundred feet through snakes in any direction to get free of them, couldn't really see how far. Might as well go ahead with what I was doing as anything else. happy to say it worked out for all of us! Hu