Before I get too old to drive, I'm gonna buy me a scooter, mount a 12v dinasaw automatic grinder on the back, along with breaker and spinner, and spawn the 'bleeding edge' mobile chain service. For $10 I'll come over drink your beer, spin some yarns and grind a chain for every Harry or Harriet Homeowner abused chainsaw owner who wants a fast cutting saw without the mess or hassle of learning how to file.
Just think of the up-selling opportunities. Chain munted - sell 'em a fresh loop while I'm there. Convert them over to the KiwiPutz race bar and chain setup, sell them a better wee saw (I'm liking some of the Japanese wee saws for such a market), drop those 'big' 2 foot DBH trees their saws won't handle, etc, etc. Hmm, I wonder if I could tow my super split behind the scooter.
Later y'all, I got a business plan to write up...Na scratch that, I'll turn this into a worldwide franchise opportunity with multiple IPO's in untapped markets around the world and spend the $ on a few hundred Ha of bush where I can set up my own harvesting/milling operation and retreat for corporate burnouts and team building weekends where the rich and frazzled can become blissfully immersed in the art of dropping a few trees, milling their own wood, etc. Everyone leaves with a smile, a lighter weight on their shoulders (and wallet) and a pocket full of man glitter (sawdust).