Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Clint talked about chopper mitts or trigger mitts for winter cutting , I've used them for years because I'm not a fan of gloves in the cold .
We've got Princess Auto up here which is kinda like Northern Tool but every now and then they have surplus gear .
Since last winter they've had so US army wool trigger mitt liners so I always pick up a pair or two when I stop in .
The only prob I have with them is


Right some hard to find when you lay them down lol
That is hard to see.
I just bought a bunch of new gloves, Friday at the inlaws I did the leaves for them and I'm guessing a brand new never worn glove got dropped into the leaves out by the rd for the truck to suck up this week :(.
Sweet goodness man. I would lying if I wasn't a bit jealous of your space to shoot.

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Man Jeff, I could have used a bit of that extra heat today.
We got back from the inlaws and it was only 52 in the house. I have the wood stove raging and the pellet stove an almost raging and it's getting there quick.

To stay on topic; I usually go for the long range shots of around 30-40 yards, but have been know to crack a couple off at 40-50, then the real long shots to the front of the red oak/locust pile are around 55. You have to really watch the wind as those 17gr .17cal can really get away from you, also better have a good BDC scope when your really reaching out at the back side of the red oak pile o_O.
I love the little 17. Mine will put 5 rounds touching at 100 yards all day. Good on ground hogs to at least 150 yards with enough left to come out the backside like a mini grenade.

Mike some of mine are so ethical I can't even use the scope, just point and shoot, ever see a chipmunk relocated at 10' with a .17 hmr :eek:.
I have found a small piece of tail and some unrecognizable meat particals :yes:.
What would you bring to tackle this this mess of free locust? Unfortunately, what I have is wayyyyy too small.

My list of wants is ever growing. Affordable 12 valve Dodge, and a decent/affordable 70cc+ saw. Would love to find an 044/440 builder that's not an arm and a leg.

They are more or less the size of those I felled last February and which I am burning now (a part went to a neighbor). It was nice work to break in the MS362C-M but any good 60cc saw with a sharp chain would have been enough for the job.
People always underestimate what 60cc saws are capable of and/or run them with too long of a bar.
What would you bring to tackle this this mess of free locust? Unfortunately, what I have is wayyyyy too small.

My list of wants is ever growing. Affordable 12 valve Dodge, and a decent/affordable 70cc+ saw. Would love to find an 044/440 builder that's not an arm and a leg.
run what ya got Ryan. here's the little 41 ccc w/ 16" bar on a big hunk of locust last year
hey guys. i was at our annual hunting party yesterday and talked to the resident butcher. he told me he has been using mulberry for smoking meat in his smokehouse. he said it has become his favorite since his brother gave him a tree he had cut down. he stihl likes hickory and apple but said the mulberry was great. now i just have to go get a deer this morning so i can get some mulberry smoked bologna.:)
I’d bring whatever I had. When I started scrounging, all I had was a Poulan Pro 5020. Cut several 30” plus trees with the stock safety chain before I discovered this site and muffler mods and full chisel chain.... free is free and I’ll cut a steak with a butter knife if it’s all I have!
I agree grab what you have and let it eat. 5 years ago the 011 in my SIG is what I had and I wouldn't have turned down that locust. Wasn't till I joined AS that I got the 590 then I sent said saw to Tennessee to be ported. But the ms250 would still cut most anything I run into.
hey guys. i was at our annual hunting party yesterday and talked to the resident butcher. he told me he has been using mulberry for smoking meat in his smokehouse. he said it has become his favorite since his brother gave him a tree he had cut down. he stihl likes hickory and apple but said the mulberry was great. now i just have to go get a deer this morning so i can get some mulberry smoked bologna.:)
Makes good heating wood to if you don't mind the fireworks show every time you open the stove. May be doing another one in my fence row soon. FIL thinks only oak makes good firewood I have a whole rack of ash ready to go and he walks right past it to get the oak. He will be thrilled to see me loading the racks with mullberry again.
hey guys. i was at our annual hunting party yesterday and talked to the resident butcher. he told me he has been using mulberry for smoking meat in his smokehouse. he said it has become his favorite since his brother gave him a tree he had cut down. he stihl likes hickory and apple but said the mulberry was great. now i just have to go get a deer this morning so i can get some mulberry smoked bologna.:)
Good luck today Steve.

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hey guys. i was at our annual hunting party yesterday and talked to the resident butcher. he told me he has been using mulberry for smoking meat in his smokehouse. he said it has become his favorite since his brother gave him a tree he had cut down. he stihl likes hickory and apple but said the mulberry was great. now i just have to go get a deer this morning so i can get some mulberry smoked bologna.:)

There are some huge White mulberries in my area, a leftover from the days silkworms were raised before a catastrophic pébrine outbreak pretty much wiped the industry, so they must be well over a century old, possibly as old as a century and half. The owner has them pollarded continously to keep as close a shape as they bad back in the silkworm days, so they aren't that high, but the trunks are huge.
I love the little 17. Mine will put 5 rounds touching at 100 yards all day. Good on ground hogs to at least 150 yards with enough left to come out the backside like a mini grenade.

The 17HMR has and always will be one of my favorite guns. I have owned 3 now, should have never got rid of the first one. I won't ever be without a 17HMR in the truck again. Cheap, wicked fast, scary accurate, quiet and no recoil. I don't think there's an animal in Ohio you couldn't take down under 100yds with it. The one I have now is probably the best one I have had, light sporter barrel, comp stock, all stainless action/barrel.
Makes good heating wood to if you don't mind the fireworks show every time you open the stove.
Ash does the same thing. Its almost like it has little bits of flint in it. I almost have to put a faceshield on to open the stove. Little flying, sparking, exploding bits of whatever flying everywhere.....
There are some huge White mulberries in my area, a leftover from the days silkworms were raised before a catastrophic pébrine outbreak pretty much wiped the industry, so they must be well over a century old, possibly as old as a century and half. The owner has them pollarded continously to keep as close a shape as they bad back in the silkworm days, so they aren't that high, but the trunks are huge.
People around here don't for one second consider mullberry as good firewood. Till I show them BTU charts.
Please explain why a magnum cartridge would be any more or less accurate than a standard cartridge?

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Just got back from four more days in WV hunting camp. My cousins son brought one of his friends. Young guy is about 30, new to hunting and shooting. He had a brand new Savage 220, 20 gauge bolt action with a Nikon scope. The scope had been bore sighted. First shot at 25 yards was a foot to the right dead on elevation. My cousin grabs the gun and starts to pull the scope caps off, "we have to adjust the scope". I said wait, let him shoot another round, we need to know if he pulled it to the right or if the scope needs to be adjusted. He puts the second shot in the same hole. OK, now start moving the pattern over. After a few adjustments the kid was tearing the bull to pieces. Moved back to 50 yards and was about half an inch high, still tearing the bull to pieces. So for fun, we have an 8' 2X4 with holes drilled in it for golf "T"'s", I set up a bunch of golf balls. He vaporized every one. So when we are done playing my cousin tells him he can only use the 2 3/4 inch shells for practice, He "HAS" to use the 3 inch shells for hunting. He shoots one 3 inch and goes, "darn, that hurts". I said "go back to the 2 3/4's". The other guys are jumping up and down, "you have to use the big ones hunting, you won't even notice the kick when you see a deer." So, I handed him my 250 Savage and he says "you can't even feel it Kick". I said "I know, and if you can shoot a deer in the eye, you don't need to blow it in half with a cannon." It just pee's me off when the guys that can't shoot tell a new guy to go bigger to make up for their sloppy shooting. Shoot one in the butt and it gets away, get a bigger gun, so the next time you shoot it in the butt, you blow both rear legs off and you can run it down hopping on it's front legs. Don't get me wrong, lots of guys need magnums to reach out and get stuff. But, the guys that are shooting 4 and 5 hundred yards, can shoot. You know the old saying, "you pick your friends, you get your relatives." I love my relatives, but I wish they weren't so cheap they would buy a few boxes of shells and put in some bench time, rant over, Joe.
People around here don't for one second consider mullberry as good firewood. Till I show them BTU charts.
I cut up a huge mulberry when I first joined AS. Between wanting to learn to hand file and that tree is how I met @farmer steve. Alot of that tree went to a coworker who ran out of gas last year on a day it was 13* and suddenly the wood burner was important :wtf:. I would have been burning all winter to save on the gas bill.