Got my second deer, little spike. Took this one with a 1951 Savage 99R in 300 Savage. Sunday was a blast of adrenaline. Saw my first two doe at 7:19 and shot the spike at 9:41, saw 16 deer in between.

Just got back from four more days in WV hunting camp. My cousins son brought one of his friends. Young guy is about 30, new to hunting and shooting. He had a brand new Savage 220, 20 gauge bolt action with a Nikon scope. The scope had been bore sighted. First shot at 25 yards was a foot to the right dead on elevation. My cousin grabs the gun and starts to pull the scope caps off, "we have to adjust the scope". I said wait, let him shoot another round, we need to know if he pulled it to the right or if the scope needs to be adjusted. He puts the second shot in the same hole. OK, now start moving the pattern over. After a few adjustments the kid was tearing the bull to pieces. Moved back to 50 yards and was about half an inch high, still tearing the bull to pieces. So for fun, we have an 8' 2X4 with holes drilled in it for golf "T"'s", I set up a bunch of golf balls. He vaporized every one. So when we are done playing my cousin tells him he can only use the 2 3/4 inch shells for practice, He "HAS" to use the 3 inch shells for hunting. He shoots one 3 inch and goes, "darn, that hurts". I said "go back to the 2 3/4's". The other guys are jumping up and down, "you have to use the big ones hunting, you won't even notice the kick when you see a deer." So, I handed him my 250 Savage and he says "you can't even feel it Kick". I said "I know, and if you can shoot a deer in the eye, you don't need to blow it in half with a cannon." It just pee's me off when the guys that can't shoot tell a new guy to go bigger to make up for their sloppy shooting. Shoot one in the butt and it gets away, get a bigger gun, so the next time you shoot it in the butt, you blow both rear legs off and you can run it down hopping on it's front legs. Don't get me wrong, lots of guys need magnums to reach out and get stuff. But, the guys that are shooting 4 and 5 hundred yards, can shoot. You know the old saying, "you pick your friends, you get your relatives." I love my relatives, but I wish they weren't so cheap they would buy a few boxes of shells and put in some bench time, rant over, Joe.
I work with a guy that gets a deer every year with his g21 and a 255g hardcast hand load says he's never had one not exit the other side. Limits himself to 25-30 yards and says the deer doesn't know the difference between 45acp and the latest super ultra magnums if it smashes threw both lungs and exits or hits the brain.Just got back from four more days in WV hunting camp. My cousins son brought one of his friends. Young guy is about 30, new to hunting and shooting. He had a brand new Savage 220, 20 gauge bolt action with a Nikon scope. The scope had been bore sighted. First shot at 25 yards was a foot to the right dead on elevation. My cousin grabs the gun and starts to pull the scope caps off, "we have to adjust the scope". I said wait, let him shoot another round, we need to know if he pulled it to the right or if the scope needs to be adjusted. He puts the second shot in the same hole. OK, now start moving the pattern over. After a few adjustments the kid was tearing the bull to pieces. Moved back to 50 yards and was about half an inch high, still tearing the bull to pieces. So for fun, we have an 8' 2X4 with holes drilled in it for golf "T"'s", I set up a bunch of golf balls. He vaporized every one. So when we are done playing my cousin tells him he can only use the 2 3/4 inch shells for practice, He "HAS" to use the 3 inch shells for hunting. He shoots one 3 inch and goes, "darn, that hurts". I said "go back to the 2 3/4's". The other guys are jumping up and down, "you have to use the big ones hunting, you won't even notice the kick when you see a deer." So, I handed him my 250 Savage and he says "you can't even feel it Kick". I said "I know, and if you can shoot a deer in the eye, you don't need to blow it in half with a cannon." It just pee's me off when the guys that can't shoot tell a new guy to go bigger to make up for their sloppy shooting. Shoot one in the butt and it gets away, get a bigger gun, so the next time you shoot it in the butt, you blow both rear legs off and you can run it down hopping on it's front legs. Don't get me wrong, lots of guys need magnums to reach out and get stuff. But, the guys that are shooting 4 and 5 hundred yards, can shoot. You know the old saying, "you pick your friends, you get your relatives." I love my relatives, but I wish they weren't so cheap they would buy a few boxes of shells and put in some bench time, rant over, Joe.
Have to respect that!I work with a guy that gets a deer every year with his g21 and a 255g hardcast hand load says he's never had one not exit the other side. Limits himself to 25-30 yards and says the deer doesn't know the difference between 45acp and the latest super ultra magnums if it smashes threw both lungs and exits or hits the brain.
People around here don't for one second consider mullberry as good firewood. Till I show them BTU charts.
At 650yds my little 243 has the energy of a 357 at point blank range.
Looks good man.Scrounged some dead Ash a couple of weeks ago. Got about one rick out of it.
You can drop deer with a 223 at 500yds. You don't need a 243 for shots out to 200 then even bigger after that.I didnt think the .243 was much of anything until I saw a 9 year old girl take a 100 yard shot and drop that doe in its tracks.
"Standard" 158gr JHP 357Mag=688lb/ft energy @ point blank range...How do you know this? Is there a formula you use? Publication? Ballistic charts? Measuring instruments?
Looks good man.
Kinda off topic though.
Scrounged some firewood AND shot a deer. How's that?