Sorry to read that Cowboy. I'm a cat person and Cowcat looks like she was lovely and very well loved.
Sounds like Steve always amazed how he can remember the names of all the barn and shop cats.Sorry to hear about cowcat , as long as it didn't suffer and the kids understand the cycle of life all will be well .
I'm sure that the next cowcat will be just as loved but that one will not be forgotten , my wife can list off all the cats we've had in the last 35 years .
Spent many a day at Carlisle looking for NOS Cuda parts.View attachment 647506 Its not wood but my FIL scrounged a pair of these 1" drive air guns for $10 each at the Carlisle swap meet. Amazing what deals you can find up there.
Back in 2010/11 I had cleaned up a property for a fella about an hour from home , I only remember 2 types of trees on his property , oak and pine .
His name is Richard but he's known as "Di ck" , or "King Di ck" by the people that I know that know him as well lol
I remember when I broke my tib/fib , him calling me when I was in the hospital looking at my foot waiting for another surgery while the meds were out of their goodness and listening to him whine about how long I'd be outta commission and who would he call to get his treework done ... See "King Di ck"
Today , outta the blue , he sends me a text , wants to know if I have my chipper and that I was able to clear up some stuff for him , no "Long time no talk , how you been ? Still in the biz?" , see a "King Di ck" .
I'll go up and see "King Di ck" this weekend , if there's oak in it for me , I'll think about it , even if so the price will be much higher than 2011 prices , if "King Di ck" doesn't like it , I'll give hive a couple of numbers for guys in the biz lol
*sniff sniff*We've had a sad week. The Cowcat started picking at her food a couple of days last week then abruptly stopped eating and drinking on Thursday. Blood tests showed some elevation in liver enzymes which may or may not have been significant. A couple of teeth were bad also, may have been the reason for not wanting to eat. By review on Saturday she was very quiet and her gums and inside her ears were jaundiced. Liver cancer. The vet gave her a shot of dexamethasone which perked her up and alleviated most of her pain but it was only a patch-up. We had five good days with her at home where she was almost her normal self. We spoiled her with tuna, roast chicken and thin slices of raw steak and lots of love and affection. It also gave us the opportunity to explain to the kids what was happening in advance and they have learned some important lessons about life. The vet came around yesterday and we put her down peacefully on the kitchen bench.
View attachment 647471
I’m sorry to hear that . In the last 16 months we said goodbye to 2 of our 3 cats at ages 15 and 16. Our last one will turn 17 in about a month.We've had a sad week. The Cowcat started picking at her food a couple of days last week then abruptly stopped eating and drinking on Thursday. Blood tests showed some elevation in liver enzymes which may or may not have been significant. A couple of teeth were bad also, may have been the reason for not wanting to eat. By review on Saturday she was very quiet and her gums and inside her ears were jaundiced. Liver cancer. The vet gave her a shot of dexamethasone which perked her up and alleviated most of her pain but it was only a patch-up. We had five good days with her at home where she was almost her normal self. We spoiled her with tuna, roast chicken and thin slices of raw steak and lots of love and affection. It also gave us the opportunity to explain to the kids what was happening in advance and they have learned some important lessons about life. The vet came around yesterday and we put her down peacefully on the kitchen bench.
View attachment 647471
I’m sorry to hear that . In the last 16 months we said goodbye to 2 of our 3 cats at ages 15 and 16. Our last one will turn 17 in about a month.
We had an all time record April high of 35c the other day and a March record of 40c last month.Spring lasted about 4 days. Now we've jumped to Summer! Hottest April day for 70 years, 27C here in London!
That's what I'm talking about.Pretty much do the same thing. Some newbie on the chainsaw forum asked how and where I find so many nice old saws. I look at farm auction pictures. They very seldom list saws cause they only go for a couple bucks, but all farmers have them, and they never throw stuff away. Piled under a workbench or in the corner of a shed, there they are.
Look what you've done Mike lol.OUT OF CONTROL CAD!!!!
So, my brother brings two of his saws over yesterday and asks me to sharpen the chains on both of them. I tell him "no problem". Then he says "and I want to get both of them ported".
I looked at him and said "I thought you were real happy with they way they both were running".
He says, "yea, I was, till I ran your saws"!!!
Sorry about your friend CowboyThanks fellas. We called her Mithra - after an early Roman god of war - for the way as a kitten she used to attack (play fighting) the cat we already had. We took her in as a tiny starving stray and she became a great little mate for me. For some reason she was never keen on being picked up though she was always quick to occupy any available lap and she would always follow the kids to bed and curl up with them. I was the only one she would allow to pick her up.
Sorry about your friends Joe.Sorry to hear, she's a pretty cowcat. We lost 3 of our dogs in the last year and a half. Two were old and we were waiting, but one was only 4. She went from 97 pounds down to 64 pounds in about 3 months. Spent thousands in tests and they never found out what it was.