Well it was a bit thoughtless of you to break your leg when he needed you do cut trees for him.
Of all the wood that you cut roughly what proportions or volumes do you burn/sell/give away?
I'll burn about 6 cord for the season , Jerry polly burns 2 and polly 1 at his daughters place .
In the past I would give Billy a couple of cord each year . Since Billy passed I gave away a couple of cord and sold 4 of the mixed small stuff but I don't try to sell the scrounged stuff .
Up behind the gate has plenty of wood to keep us warm for a long while but it's not big timber and it's spread out so we do a lot of traveling .
I did have 50 cord of selling wood but that's gone , polly not gonna do that anymore since the young fella that would do the split/load/deliver now has a full time job .