Back in 2010/11 I had cleaned up a property for a fella about an hour from home , I only remember 2 types of trees on his property , oak and pine .
His name is Richard but he's known as "Di ck" , or "King Di ck" by the people that I know that know him as well lol
I remember when I broke my tib/fib , him calling me when I was in the hospital looking at my foot waiting for another surgery while the meds were out of their goodness and listening to him whine about how long I'd be outta commission and who would he call to get his treework done ... See "King Di ck"
Today , outta the blue , he sends me a text , wants to know if I have my chipper and that I was able to clear up some stuff for him , no "Long time no talk , how you been ? Still in the biz?" , see a "King Di ck" .
I'll go up and see "King Di ck" this weekend , if there's oak in it for me , I'll think about it , even if so the price will be much higher than 2011 prices , if "King Di ck" doesn't like it , I'll give hive a couple of numbers for guys in the biz lol
Hope your leg is feeling better Dan, if not some