I do quite a bit of cutting with the 40 cc saws, and I like them a lot for limbing out small stuff when I'm in no hurry. They all have picco/lp chain which isn't grabby and they sip fuel, which makes for less fill ups and a better average cut time

. Then the 50cc saws for a bit larger stuff, and the 60cc saws and bring two bars if I only want to bring one saw, anything above that is for cutting quick with a 20 or running a 24" bar or larger and isn't even needed much, but they are fun so they get broke out quite a bit

The reality is I don't need a saw over 60cc's 90% of the time, and could avoid much of that if I choose to, but I have to have some "reason" to run all those 60cc plus saws lol. This is a scroungers thread, so a one saw plan should be more the reality here, but the reality is we've found commonality in this community and we all enjoy saws
