Yeah, they've been ravaging the area here, that and we are seeing a jump in the drop bear sightings too

I put all the mink, martins, fishers and weasels in the same category, and rightly so since they are all part of the weasel family.
Kinda like a rick a federal cord or a face cord are all a 1/3 of a cord, or a face cord if your in the right part of the country(couldn't find the flag emoji

They are bad, I don't get it myself.
Coyotes are the same way, I can spot animals very well, and I bet I've seen less than a hundred yotes, and there are a lot of them. Many times I have seen them from the truck when I was driving and they were just the other side of a hill right beside the highway, the only way you would have seen them was from up where I was, not a single car saw them, they are sneaky.