What is this oak you got the other day?
I had a few swings at one of the rounds and I wouldn't say it split easy. Took several good swings. Prolly shouldn't have swung at a branchy bit. You're right though, LOTS of water in it. Once I get it down to size I'll stack it on the retaining wall in front of the woodshed, plenty of sun and breeze in a single row and many 105°+F days in summer. Hopefully it'll dry out a bit quicker than it does in its native environment.
I'm not yet convinced about
@LondonNeil 's bragging about being forever disappointed about burning dense eucalypt after the oak. AFAIK, all English wood floats.
Then again, this wood that I brought home today might burn and make the flue glow for 3 days and make be look like a complete dork.