I get that.
The step cut is a useful tool when you have equipment to give a push or pull in the direction of fall. I use it with the skidding winch on my little Kubota all the time and have used it with a rope and a truck on back leaners. Key things are to pull/push directly against the lean or the hinge can break, the other is to adjust the holding wood between the bore cut and the back cut based on the tree type as well as the type of equipment you have to pull/push it and break the holding wood. Give it a try in a safe area and do some experimenting.
Here's one I did last spring(cut all the pines out of there, but only filmed the one)that had a good bit of back lean, there were also power lines and cable lines as well as a well head and a light as well as high voltage lines just ahead and above where it was filmed from.
It's a great trick to have in your pocket and easy to learn.