Nice pics s Always Dan
I just did a scrounge. Cowboy won't believe me , no pics. I've found if I wait til the girls are in bed its easier on the home front, plus the traffic is gone and I save 10-15 minutes, this means its dark so no pics. Anyway, for those that trust my word, 3/4 cube of silver birch. Some of it large enough to exercise the 365 Postman tried to deliver that yesterday....I was at work and the fiancee had taken the girls to the park. poo. I headed off to the post office to collect it said they were open 'til lied and it was firmly shut at 3.30 when i got there. Its also a bank holiday weekend here.... poop poopidy poopy poop.
I just did a scrounge. Cowboy won't believe me , no pics. I've found if I wait til the girls are in bed its easier on the home front, plus the traffic is gone and I save 10-15 minutes, this means its dark so no pics. Anyway, for those that trust my word, 3/4 cube of silver birch. Some of it large enough to exercise the 365 Postman tried to deliver that yesterday....I was at work and the fiancee had taken the girls to the park. poo. I headed off to the post office to collect it said they were open 'til lied and it was firmly shut at 3.30 when i got there. Its also a bank holiday weekend here.... poop poopidy poopy poop.