looks good Ryan. where do you go upstate? been hunting deer all summer in the sweet corn patches.they have gotten out of control in the last couple of years thanks to land hunting leases where the hunters don't practice good management. i'm in the 5b area. @nomad_archer has come over from Lancaster the last couple of years and "helped" out and put some meat in his freezer.
Upstate Pa, Luzerne County-WMU 4E near Hazelton/Wilkes-Barre. About a 2 hour ride from home.We have a family farm with 113 acres.
I am in WMU 5D in Delaware County( special regulations) and we open up here 9/15. TONS of deer here and antlerless tags are abundant, just few places to hunt as its so developed. Just got into archery and I love it. I've yet to harvest but I enjoy all aspects of hunting. Scouting, prep, time spent with family/friends In the woods.....LOVE the fall