Mill 'em, nails be damned.
High BTU's in you.I used to be able to take a full breadth of air, lay on my back (arms out stretched) and sink to the bottom of the pool.
High BTU's in you.I used to be able to take a full breadth of air, lay on my back (arms out stretched) and sink to the bottom of the pool.
Have only tried it in a river but I suspect you are right too. I'll try it out though if get the chance this Summer and post some findings. I've been flat out building and haven't run a chainsaw in months *hangs head in shame*.I'm also guessing that moving water would work better than stihl water too, river better than a dam.
I can’t like this post enough! That’s my goal. I want to quit working for a living but I don’t want to quit working.Never let age alone rule you. I'm 83 and still out there. Doctor told me to slow down last month. "Never". Got a load on the truck right now backed up to the splitter, I'll be out there as soon as I'm off of here.
And the funny thing is, bugger all people will realise how much time and money was sunk into keeping the building they are standing in from staying upright.Well, today I babysat my Granddaughter in the morning, then did the rear brakes on the Mustang in the afternoon. Real PITA freeing up those calipers after they have lock up. Luckily got some help from my neighbor who has a torch and stuff, and has done it before.
Yesterday worked with my brother on his challenging engineering job (the previous footings/piers were failing). We got down to another section of bed rock, drilled holes, sank rebar, made forms and poured the concrete. Site is finally getting a little safer! My brother often takes jobs no one else will do.
The deck, and house, are about 30' up.
I've had Elms do the same thing, run a regular stream of water.
Never let age alone rule you. I'm 83 and still out there. Doctor told me to slow down last month. "Never". Got a load on the truck right now backed up to the splitter, I'll be out there as soon as I'm off of here.
Thank you Panolo,
I’m thinking Edge 750. The 550 would probably be big enough, but with global warming and all who knows. Is there any down side to going bigger other than the initial cost?
My payback is looking like 10 years, and I may be too old by then to cut wood.
I really want to see this. I want to see an 83yr old man scrounge wood, unload onto a splitter and stack that. You should get a camera person and post a short vid on youtube. Title it "83 YEAR OLD MAN PROCESSING FIREWOOD". You would have like a million veiws.
I can’t like this post enough! That’s my goal. I want to quit working for a living but I don’t want to quit working.
Same here. 5'7" 150lbs. I don't float.I used to be able to take a full breadth of air, lay on my back (arms out stretched) and sink to the bottom of the pool. (This was demonstrated after the guy giving the life saving course stated that everybody could float).
Looks like some nice heat there. Money in the bank.I've got some catching up to do:
About 3 chords now well baked in this pile scrounged late Spring, and another 3 chords out of view around the corner.
View attachment 670454
Maple?I've got some catching up to do:
About 3 chords now well baked in this pile scrounged late Spring, and another 3 chords out of view around the corner.
View attachment 670454
Love Maple.View attachment 670457 Started moving the maple scrounge. It's all going to a friend in exchange for use of his dump trailer and hydro when the oaks come down in september.View attachment 670461 3 loads with the dodge. Probly 1 more load of big stuff.
5'9 170 it's funny how us short lite guys sink.Same here. 5'7" 150lbs. I don't float.
My local HD started using 6100s as there big rental saws. Had a chance to pick up there last 6421 earlier this year and let it sitAnd something of interest at The Home Depot? Red saws showing up . . . .
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