Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Meanwhile ,,,


My oldest is in Calgary , you could hear the whining come right through the texts this morning lol
It could be. I'm going by the smell and appearance of the wood. Does ash smell like and look like oak???
Definite different stink between the two. guess i'll have a wood "class" next month when you saw heathens come over:crazy2: .
@Just a Guy that cuts wood . Saturday before turkey day at this point.
Ash burns very very well, tremendous heat. seasons very fast for a hard wood. supposedly easy to split too, although all the Ash I've ever had has put up the most tremendous battle.
I've gotten my ash handed to me by some, and others I'm running through it faster than a hydraulic splitter :muscle:, at least for the first 20 min:cry::oops::sucks::lol:.
Ash, cherry and sugar are the best smelling woods I know of. I have cut WAY more ash than anything else.
You've cut a lot of it, but your not an ash borer :laugh:.
Just got the camper down to the land last weekend
Looks sweet, good runoff :surprised3:.
Definite different stink between the two. guess i'll have a wood "class" next month when you saw heathens come over:crazy2: .
@Just a Guy that cuts wood . Saturday before turkey day at this point.

It's cellulose based, is easily cut with a saw, and it burns. What more is there to know? :laughing:
Meanwhile ,,,


My oldest is in Calgary , you could hear the whining come right through the texts this morning lol
Looks nice, send the northerly winds :D.
I've been having small fires every day this week. Today it got a bit warm in here for me at 74, tomorrow I don't think I'll be having one, the high is 78. Thursday they are calling for a high of 62, I'm not complaining, great mowing weather :clap:.
Is this an RSVP event? I’m figuring a 5 hour drive one way for me if off brand saws are permitted in the slums of Stihl, PA. :dancing:
He wait's all yr for the gtg's so he can run huskys and the like, usually wearing a hoodie when he does :laugh:.
He wait's all yr for the gtg's so he can run huskys and the like, usually wearing a hoodie when he does :laugh:.
Was more old j reds with an s at the last one then Huskies. Also theres only 3 types of weather in PA t-shirt, hoodie, and coveralls. So hoodies get a lot of use :lol:.
Was more old j reds with an s at the last one then Huskies. Also theres only 3 types of weather in PA t-shirt, hoodie, and coveralls. So hoodies get a lot of use :lol:.
My hoodies have been getting a good amount of use the last couple weeks, nice weather.
Should be getting nice out there to in another month.
395 is a man of a saw! First plunge cut I ever did was with a craftsman. A saw I felt I could out muscle. Try with the grain first like noodling as there is less resistance. Then move to cross cutting.

In Ireland right now. They are burning turf/peat. Kinda smells but puts off a nice heat.
you should see how they produce the turf and what it starts out as