Crazy, got another row done in the woodshed today, almost done with that pile of locust. Gonna start pulling from the big pile in the front to finish this side and to get all the wood from around the big elm in the pile, then I'll split some of the big red oak/locust pile in the back yard.Odd but nice weather eh Chipper?
50 degrees and sunny [emoji23]
Motorcycle are out and our yards still have snow [emoji1787]
Sent while firmly grasping my redline lubed RAM [emoji231]
Just keep after them, most likely they won't get it all.Man i missed out on a KILLER scrounge. About 10 BIG oaks and some other trees are being taken down by the county a couple miles from my house. They are widening the shoulders and re-paving With one of those fancy machines are county just bought that scoops up the old Blacktop and spits it back out new.
Appertaining it is ALL claimed by 2 guys[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
We will see how they handle it themselves. They now know im anxiously interested.
Don’t think they realize how much wood it’s going to be. Its so much wood it would justify a nice new 48” bar for my saw. ........ anyone make a lightweight bar that long?
Ill keep you posted chipper[emoji6]
Sent while firmly grasping my redline lubed RAM [emoji231]
His is all orange and looks brand new is there any difference in power from the 359 I have
Front tensioner, rubber AV mounts, sucks fuel and won't filter the air as well.His is all orange and looks brand new is there any difference in power from the 359 I have
I think he said his was bought in 1995Had one a few years back, had the old white top. Good runner, they are open port cylinders. You can put a 272cylinder on them easily enough....
I saw that and was likeThat was crocks, spell check didn't believe me and changed it.
That's what I'm talking aboutGot another CL load of red oak on Saturday. As green and heavy as ever.
I was too sore to unload, so I thought I'd try the jackhammer on the rounds. It worked really well!
5-Gallon bucket for scale in some of the pics.
View attachment 794837
You sure about thatDoesn't look like the hackleberry we have here. I think we're equally north so it is found in our region. Hackleberry has wide furrows with very smooth bark between narrow ridges.
My guess is 1st one is black walnut. 2nd one could be elm.
If you need gaskets/crank seals for it, I've got a set you can have, no charge.Hey guys was wondering if anyone new anything about Husqvarna 61? My uncle has one that hasn’t been used much maybe 100 hours and said I could have it for 100 bucks
When I was up in Wisconson a couple yrs ago there was an oak I was looking at, it was obvious from the leaves it was an oak, but the bark looked nothing like any oak we have here.There are more than one kind of Elm out there, and trees that grow in different places often look a bit different.
Good saws, lots of available parts, several different cylinders fit them. If you do go with the larger cylinders you need to drill and tap one hole to mount the newer top cover that matches the taller cylinder. But we’ve covered that in a dedicated thread here.Hey guys was wondering if anyone new anything about Husqvarna 61? My uncle has one that hasn’t been used much maybe 100 hours and said I could have it for 100 bucks
Thanks for the offer man I appreciate it.If you need gaskets/crank seals for it, I've got a set you can have, no charge.
Yeah I’d say so. Mercy
Dragged a load home and did some hand splitting. My pops checked himself in to the hospital today with some intestinal issues this morning, so the hand splitting was a bit of “therapeutic relief” for me. Depending on the cat-scan results will determine if I head over the river after basketball or not....
@MustangMike Putnam Hospital Incase you didn’t know
ElmWut dis? walnut? or cottonwood?