Especially when the muffler was burned out like mine was!!! lol besides enabling your hearing better as well !! them mac,s will clear any obstructions that may be in your ears.... lol
Especially when the muffler was burned out like mine was!!! lol besides enabling your hearing better as well !! them mac,s will clear any obstructions that may be in your ears.... lol
you know how people, want to "help" you with your post????? need help, adding a few things to this???I know exactly what you mean. Ex-wife used to do crap like that all the time. I was supposed to know how to fix everything because I'm a guy. Never mind the fact she doesn't know how to sew, is a lousy cook, etc.
Hey @Ambull01 if you want another vintage saw to add to the stable we should get you a Mac, the "right" shade of yellow![]()
Much easier to find a good running 044/440, and a much more versatile saw!
But I'll admit, that old yellow looks real nice!
you know how people, want to "help" you with your post????? need help, adding a few things to this???![]()
There was one local on Craigslist the other day for a steal ($400 and little use)...but I have the 391 that I haven't even taxed yet.044 is the one Stihl I would really consider if I needed something that big.
I've got nothing against Stihl in general it's just that I'd buy the comparable Husky for anything smaller and the 044 doesnt really have a comparable, theres either larger or smaller.
Hey Reid:
Stay clear of them old yellow saws, they are heavy, loud, viberate and last forever.
I have a couple of MAC 10's, so I know where I speak, but they sure put out the wood.
Back to tying to refill BIC lighters
Same here unless the price was right or I knew the owner...
I guess I'm gunshy of buying a used saw...there is just too many ways to destroy one. Probably make a rash decision and buy a new small Stihl one of these days....
I thought the 044 had about a half horse more than the 372 and was a big heavier/larger?The 272/372 is the same size as the 044/440, they are both good saws, and the 362 and 562 are the same size & power, with the big difference being if U prefer an inboard clutch (362) or outboard clutch (562).
Both companies (and some others) make a lot of good products, the new ones are just so expensive. That new 661 is getting rave reviews!