Lotsa busy folks today... myself included.
Red Oak scrounge, mentioned in a post a couple of weeks ago.
Managed to get it all cut. Log =32" diameter, saw =16" bar. Took a bit of work...
Carrying everything home, dancan style
Truck's a bit heavy in the back. About 1/2 cord, guess is about 1200 lbs. BTW, for the folks in the rest of the country wondering why east coast vehicles rust so bad, that white stuff covering the parking lot is salt, not snow.
And this one's still waiting.
I also had a change of heart today. I had to bust those rounds up so I could carry 'em to the Suburban. I brought the wedges and hammer like always, and for some reason I threw in my new splttin' axe. After the cutting was done I started driving the wedges, like I've always done. It wasn't too cold here today but at 20 degrees the wood's frozen and it takes a bit of quick hammering to start the wedge. The wood splits easy once the wedge is started but the quick hits to start it were raising a blister on my hand. So I dragged out the Truper-like axe figuring it would bounce off the rounds and leave me wishing I hadn't carried it from the truck. Well it turns out I like using that axe. I like it a lot!
But here's the thing... today I realized I might have FAD. The homeowner watched me work, came out to talk a bit, and then brought me around the end of the driveway to show me five more decent sized trees, already down, that I could have. Now I'm running out of places to store what I've got, and I've got more than a year's worth of wood to cut in front of the house. But did I say no? Did I say "Thanks anyway?" Of course not. I continued to talk with him all the while trying to work out the logistics of getting my car trailer to his house 40 miles away, finding time to get the wood cut and loaded, and of course, where the heck to put it.
I've already got nine vehicles here, a pile of projects that never seems to be completed, an unintentionally growing pile of saws, and now I've got FAD. Is there a meeting for guys like us?