If you are going to quote me, kindly be correct about it. What I said was this (with emphasis added):
" 1. I was looking more at the undercut angle, not the top angle. The combined top-plate, side-plate, and file guide angles just looked a bit steep to me. See diagram above. There are 3 angles to evaluate, and I don't pretend to be a machinist with a keen eye, either.
2. I couldn't see any witness marks, at least not well enough to make a judgement. I don't consider that a 2-d photograph allows too much 3 dimensional evaluation unless it is in profile view."
Be nice. Nothing here is really worth quibbling about. I usually like a good internet squabble, but I just don't think this is the thread for it. I visit this thread when I want to read about folks happy with their accomplishments and sharing their common interests.
You can be assured that thanks to your evaluation of my statements, I deeply regret commenting on the angle of the sharpening. If being right is what you want to be, then I am sure that I was mistaken.