Freeking hurricane here! Just started, wasn't supposed to until tomorrow morning. I mean it's raining and loud. wicked wind. It hit 71 today, but tomorrow night and the next supposed to be low or mid 20s.
My weather alert radio broke a few days ago, so I went and got a radioshack one, wouldn't hold a charge worth beans, so went to wally world, they had two battery backup midlands on the shelf, just basic plug in ones with that S.A.M.E. deal. I snagged one and got it hopefully programmed in correctly. DO NOT want to be without tornado warning device. I think I am going to order the same company multiband multi power portable one, the ER300, as well. Most of these portable ones use NiMH, but the midland uses replaceable lithium ion, much mo bettah.
Ya'all further east and up the coast, if this stuff hits you as ice or sleet or snow, be prepared, she's a doozy.
Oh ya, scrounge, scoped out about half a dozen smaller sweetgum and elms this afternoon, standing dead, 6-10 inch. Small enough diameter to cut to size and stack as-is, no splitting. They'll fit in the door, good enough. Try to get those this weekend maybe. Haven't cut any for over a month now, sucks.