Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Gotta get your fix!
Yea my life is pretty stressful with the wife's medical issues, shes been hospitalized for 4 days now again so the wheelbarrow pics are an escape as funny as it sounds. Been living on slim margins for the last 6 months. J
I'm no web expert or even very techy nor am I privy to how this particular site works so I'm guessing here. Advertisers or sponsors may value by per click. So the number of visits in a given time a site receives will determine its value to an advertiser or sponsor. If my sticker causes 5 people to look it up over its lifetime and if a thousand stickers manages to attract one active member like one of us, it likely pays for itself. Besides, who doesn't like stickers? Lol. I just wanna know how many posts I have to make to get the t-shirt! [emoji23]

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I think you have to post at least 2041, to get the shirt Jeff.

....and you do realize if anyone wanted to know, they will capture your IP address of the computer you are using, and from that, determine where you are and what your name is, etc? They really dont NEED you to use all the info you gave when you joined, to know exactly who you are and where you live.

30 years ago no one needed much info to find out more about you than you thought you could hide, today, my 5yo Grandaughter could build a profile of any one in this forum, in a matter of half an hour. Full name, address, your whole family's info, all the places you've lived, your school, your jobs, drivng record, arrest record, credit/financial info, and of course, all the internet use and trends. No one has ANY privacy despite what they might think.

I know there are a few unintelligent boys over in Political Forum who will say different, but, there is no hiding that info, its already out there, and if one wants to find it, they can and do so, quite simply. You dont have to have bad intentions to know how to do it, nor have special equipment or software. Anyone that says they are "anonymous" on the web is just being silly.
I have picked up many pieces full of ants and threw it in the chicken run. Oh the chaos that ensues!!!! Ants gone, chickens happy and I got quite a show for free!! Win win!!
My chickens run free from sun up to sun down. I don't know where they are most times till they come back to the pen for the night.
My chickens run free from sun up to sun down. I don't know where they are most times till they come back to the pen for the night.
Mine were free range when I had them. Fire up the splitter and they came running looking for any bug that came out from under the bark or whatever. They would tear things up if I walked away for a couple of minutes.
Mine were free range when I had them. Fire up the splitter and they came running looking for any bug that came out from under the bark or whatever. They would tear things up if I walked away for a couple of minutes.
They like it here too, even though our girls are mostly in the second hand lion cage now.
Screen Shot 2022-02-24 at 11.21.27 AM.png
Fire up the splitter and they came running looking for any bug that came out from under the bark or whatever.
My chickens never come running when I'm splitting. It might be that I split by hand and there is an ingrained survival instinct in chickens to not go near anyone at the splitting block with an ax in their hand! šŸ”:chop:
I've been banking "long distance" by mail for years, but recent problems with the Post Office have resulted in opening an account at a local Credit Union. I have not been in a bank/credit union in years and was not even thinking about it.

So, I'm standing there on on-line waiting for the teller, and I see this sign: "No Hoodies, No Sunglasses, No Cell Phones" ... and I think WOW, thank goodness they didn't say anything about knives or guns ... I'm good!
I haven't worked on saws much so I'm not sure about your reasoning. Why did you put on the tensioner from a 250? So the pin lines up much better in a 0.050 bar? I like the idea of going bigger on the gauge for the reasons you said. I have a 170 also and I'm knocking teeth off that skinny little chain all the time. I might consider this upgrade when I run out of chains.

The side tensioner is just much easier to use in my opinion. The original front adjuster it tricky to turn with a scrench, itā€™s very close to the bar and seems to be a task for my young boy. So i did it to make the chainsaw experience better for him, which means less work for me.
Iā€™m not sure about what you mean with the pins lining up on .050ā€ gage, I just like the beefy drive links on this chain as opposed to .043ā€ I also ā€œhopeā€ that a more rigid B&C will be less likely to throw a chain off.
So in short, I learned the weak points of this original setup and tried to upgrade it some for a beginner.

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I've been banking "long distance" by mail for years, but recent problems with the Post Office have resulted in opening an account at a local Credit Union. I have not been in a bank/credit union in years and was not even thinking about it.

So, I'm standing there on on-line waiting for the teller, and I see this sign: "No Hoodies, No Sunglasses, No Cell Phones" ... and I think WOW, thank goodness they didn't say anything about knives or guns ... I'm good!
I did the same thing once at the local hospital. Got a call my brother passed out and fell down the steps getting ready for work. Walked in talked to him for awhile and left. My MIL who works in billing ask me later that day if I had .y gun on .e at the hospital and informed me that wasn't allowed. Theres big no gun signs on all the doors now.
Looks beautiful up there on that ridge.
Is that picco chain on the 170.

Nice place to relax and sight see.
I already trashed the box. The picco, micro, mini stuff gets me confused. I know the cutters are much larger than the original (PMM3). I can take a picture of them side by side if it would help.

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The side tensioner is just much easier to use in my opinion. The original front adjuster it tricky to turn with a scrench, itā€™s very close to the bar and seems to be a task for my young boy. So i did it to make the chainsaw experience better for him, which means less work for me.
Iā€™m not sure about what you mean with the pins lining up on .050ā€ gage, I just like the beefy drive links on this chain as opposed to .043ā€ I also ā€œhopeā€ that a more rigid B&C will be less likely to throw a chain off.
So in short, I learned the weak points of this original setup and tried to upgrade it some for a beginner.

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I didn't see the word 'side' in your original post. Makes sense now. I may have to look into those upgrades.
Still got some red oak scrounge to work on from before. A section in the second pic is big enough to try the 36" bar on the 88cc remington. Has to be 30"+. For a few cuts. Gonna have to go with the archer full comp that came with the bar. We had to modify the bar and before we buy any more chain we need to make sure it oils good and works. We modded a 16 link mount to a 14 link mount 20220224_103125.jpg20220224_103121.jpg