That's a pretty pic (of a nice scrounge of course) !
Spalted Maple, that is the name I was trying to remember!
Managed to scrounge up some asphalt millings for the new accessory drive, it goes to my cutting/splitting/pile/logs storage area.
It was actually quite the scrounge as our local guy for asphalt millings marked all his piles as sold this week, he supplies quite a few guys, so now everyone is trying to figure out what they are going to do as they were counting on his pricing with no extra driving. It's going to add $75 per load, for guys doing large commercial jobs, that adds up very quick making my 5-7 loads look like child's play, still sucks to me
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Yes I did on both accountsLooks like you made a nice scrounge after you scrounged all the firewood that was scrounge-able before you spread that scrounge over the firewood scrounging ground !
You scrounge 2 extra tires for that fine firewood scrounging machine that you scrounged all these years for to be able to get ?
I like that. What a great thing to be part of!The Greene County Firewood Ministry arose out of two local churches discovering that they were both cutting firewood for the disadvantaged. I am not sure when they actually got together. I started helping them around 2008 or 2009. At the time, they were unincorporated and working on Saturdays out of the remains of an old practice bomb manufacturing plant. Much of the wood was scrounged; most of which was cut to firewood length in the field and brought to the woodlot on modified single and double axle landscape trailers. At the woodlot, the wood was split using a variety of hydraulic splitters. The wood was delivered using the same trailers. Recipients were pre-qualified through the local food bank. At the time approximately 300 trailer loads were delivered each season which ran from October through April. The intake pretty much matched the demand so there was little to no stockpiles (or time to season). In 2011, the ministry was incorporated.
As time progressed, many partners joined in the endeavor. Local churches provided breakfast and lunch, a local industry loaned a skid steer, the sheriff provided inmates, the city provided a roll-off for the worthless uglies, tree services dropped off wood, various business provided goods and services free or at a reduced cost, various groups brought in volunteers to work for a Saturday. It all meshed for mutual benefit. Inmates got fresh air and home cooked meals with some good folks, the government got a reduction in the wood load at the landfill, volunteer groups had a new project to gather around, tree services got a convenient in-town location to drop off wood, and lots of folks were kept warm. As the need began to grow, the ministry began to upgrade the landscape trailers to dump trailers. Among other things, this allowed folks in their 70s and 80s to deliver wood. It also saved labor on the intake end. A skid steer splitter attachment was acquired to splitter biger stuff in to quarters. Splitters were upgraded to SuperSplits with some initial assistance from the manufacturer. Additional skid steers were added with skeleton buckets. And the demand continued to grow.
Then came Covid - no more inmates, no home cooked meals and far fewer volunteers. The ministry responded to Covid by seeking additional funding sources and using the funds to further mechanize with a core group of volunteers working essentially full time year round – they are affectionately known as the Filthy Few. We now have 4 wood processors with conveyors, more skid steers, a Kubota compact tractor with forks, and a new facility lent to us. As of February, the ministry was serving 349 families and had delivered over 1800 loads in the 21/22 season. Due to the dangers and liability concerns, the ministry doesn’t fell trees. That task is usually offered to me. If I believe it is reasonable safe and productive, I try to accommodate the tree owner.
With Covid declining, a few more volunteers are appearing and some food is returning.
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Spalted hackberrySpalted Maple, that is the name I was trying to remember!
FixedBig sky day here going to 65 , off to go cut down some trees .
Free scrounge if anyone wants to come over , some fir and SPRUCE , I'll cut you load, BYOWB !
I have to be careful not to complain so I don't break the rules so I don't get banned .
That is a fact , not a complaint .
I agree with the highlighted area. I made a post in another thread about it (that you didn't like) and you deleted my sig because I didn't do it as fast as you thought i should. It was Christmas eve and Christmas day BTW . I won't disclose that pm because it' s against the rules. I've been an upstanding member with no infractions and try to help the forum in preventing scammers,spammers,and whatnots. I wasn't ask to be a a moderator the same time as you for no reason. Don't ever call me a liar again!!!!
Back to scrounging fellas.
Actually they were in a thread that was subsequently permanently deleted due to one of the crybabies who had the ear of Mrs A shortly prior to the sale so that’s why there’s no record of it.
Don’t forget, I was a mod here and chose to step away because the previous owners wouldn’t remove the cancer(s) from the site.
For your sake, I’m glad the new owners actually allow the moderators to moderate. But obviously when posts get deleted people are going to be unhappy-right or wrong.
Yeah, but what if the mod is calling people liars and won't do the very thing he expects others to do.If you were a moderator, then you probably recall the rather stern policy regarding criticizing moderation in the public forum.
How about you just say sorry.Yes. You are a fine member, one of the best. Feel free to post any private message I sent you. Just do it in it's entirety.
Xenforo has a lot of cool features, many of which were (unfortunately) not utilized by the previous owners.I cannot say whether or not that would be possible. If that is the case, I apologize for any misunderstanding and errors on my part.
If you were a moderator, then you probably recall the rather stern policy regarding criticizing moderation in the public forum.