Looks suspect to me.Several weeks ago I took my Brush Bandit Model 65 chipper over a friends house to clean up a Bradford Pear that went down in a storm. Started and ran well, chipped up everything and was done in an hour and a half. Couple days later wouldn't start. Couple days later pulled the head on the right bank and had 2 cracked exhaust valves. I heard those old Wisconsin's could run on 2 cylinders and you would only notice it was down a little on power. My mechanic buddy came over and looked at it. Pistons and cylinders look like new. He said pull the other head and see what it looks like? Did that this morning. Another cracked exhaust. While pulling the head this morning, I glanced across the engine to the other side, There was something shiny in the bottom of the intake Runner. A piece of brass tubing with a fitting on it. How did that thing get in there? Somebody dropped it in the carb and said the heck with it?
Do you have any exhaust leaks such as a cracked manifold.
I experienced an interesting thing today. Went to hook up the little 4x8 trailer to load up a load of firewood for delivery(yes scrounged wood lol), and when pulling it I could hear something in the right wheel bearing. So I thought

Dang stick lol.
Just glad I didn't have to tear into it, wouldn't have gotten nearly as much done.
4 half cord loads delivered.