Sadly, I don't know everyone by their first name. As to editing, I often edit my posts. If I am recalling the correct info, it is probably because I decided my post was not the right thing to put up. If I edited something out, it just might have been the wrong thing to say. I do try to be careful.
As to calling people liars, I have not done that, although there was certainly a very strong inference to that effect. "Tell no lies, and I won't call you call you out on them." is not an accusation, it is a warning. If anyone chooses to infer that they have been untruthful, then they know what my response would be expected to be. Making statements that resemble mistruth will produce responses that resemble an accusation. I'll be happy to go over the logic of any of my statements with anyone, but let's keep it private, please.
Now if you guys will follow the thread backwards, I'll be happy to explain it all again. A political post was reported to moderation. Said post was silently deleted by me, a moderator. No harm, no foul, no warning points applied. After which, snarky comments start popping up about moderation, which is in defiance of the pretty well known restriction against them. Then it escalates further, and here we are.
I didn't start this. I may yet finish it by clearing the thead of all related comments, including my own. Just keep giving me invitations, and we'll see how it ends up.
I have no interest in irritating the good folks of this thread & forum. To the extent that I may have been overbearing, I will readily apologize, as I have not intended to step on anyone's toes. To the extent that I have been doing what I perceive to be my job, I cannot apologize, as it has all been done with a clear explanation of the existing rules I am expected to work under. If you don't like what I am doing and think I am wrong, then please put it in a private message to me, another moderator, or to management. We are all ears. What we don't encourage is open dissent and defiance of the existing rules that you all signed up for.
Now 'nough of this, please.
