No! Dont apologize! Great solid info and I thank you!

You answered every question about the saw I had running through my head. Also, I agree about fuel economy out of a saw. The bigger powerful falling saw's are going to be thirsty. That's just the way it is. IMOP, they should be if they are to make any kind of power on the stump. Thanks again for the reply. I think Im going to call Madsen's and see if any 500's are available.
I'm looking for and require considerably more power than an 046/460. How dose the 500 compare to your hybrid?
My 661 makes mad horse power!!! But I had it hopped way up by Dwayne at Olive's Auto Shop in Idaho. I sent it to him from the Post Office as soon As it arrived to me from Madsen's I never even took it home. Just sent it straight to Dwayne to be hopped up. I'd actually like to get another 661 but I don't want the 661C I bought the last MS661 Madsen's had in stock.

Im not even sure Stihl stihl builds the MS661 They may just offer the 661C, but Im not sure about that either.
Cut safe, stay sharp, and be aware!