1/2 a tank full through the 365 today and blocked up the pile of huge crotches and gnarlies into easily manageable pieces and 7 wheelbarrow loads later most is shifted to the back garden. I've still 2-3 'barrow loads to move but it was late so they can wait. I've left the totally horrid, will just need blocking up with the 'saw stuff in the hope some foolish person knocks again and asks if they can have some wood

tbh I'll be pleased if I can split 1/2 the stuff i've shifted, its horrid, it really is....but its as easy to run the 'saw and block up as it is to run it off to the tip, and I get the heat back at least, so its a PITA but t gets blocked up
knowing I probably don't have much more cutting to do this year and needing mix I mixed just a litre (metric quart) . I feel nervous mixing small amounts as a couple of ml of oil changes the ratio so much, but i err on too much oil for safety. Although I could need to mix at least another litre yet, I'm not good at estimating fuel use when it comes to blocking up other than its lot more than bucking logs to rounds.
I'm glad I've got the wood stacks full, the latest prediction for our gas and electricity prices is 6 times higher than it was last year. I reckoned it took me 4.5+ winters to pay back my investment in 2 stoves, the installs, 2 chainsaws, PPE, multiple axes and mauls, chimney brushes, companion sets and any other bits. if the predictions are right I'd save s much again in just the coming winter.
Quick saw.bar question. I've never bothered before but my husky bar has a lube hole for the nose sprocket. Oil or grease? and easiest way to do? I'm thinking a syringe will probably work as well as a grease gun but...?