you get my vote, Lf. nice bucket full!How bout taters!! I dug some Yukon's today!View attachment 1013155

you get my vote, Lf. nice bucket full!How bout taters!! I dug some Yukon's today!View attachment 1013155
that is just what the Midway team said on Perfect Safari Rifle... specifically dangerous game!!! uh-huh!I mean no disrespect to the NP! It is a very proven Big Game bullet. Many Alaskan hunters swear by the NP, and thats all they'll use! IMOP It's all a matter of personal preference based on experience specifically hunting Bruin? My 06 stays in the Safe and Im bringing my .338WM. If I'm backing up a hunting partner that has a berar tag, or going into thick cover after à wounded Brownie? Its my .416 All day! Im a firm believer that when it comes to Dangerous Game? "Bring Enough Gun" Yes, I know Phil. Not personally, but I'm very aware of his outstanding reputation!
Good Hunting to you Sir
i added some leg lifts, now back running 90% or so in mornings... lolHAPPY BIRTHDAY COWBOY!!! Been doing my exercises every morning and the back seems to be 100%
Hope you have a good one!
i have an M-1. picked up off a friend when he was moving for aSorry no , both the M1 Grand Rifle and M1 Carbine .30 cal. (7.62 × 33mm) for the Carbine & ( 7.62 × 54) the Rifle . Weight 5.4 lbs loaded for the Carbine vs over 9 lbs for the Enfield which was my point of comparison with his Lee-Enfield !
looks like the power line tree co has passed thru, only they leave pcs 4-5 times that size on ground! what a mess! i wont be letting them back on my place with some of their forest clearing machines! i'll sit in the dark first... LOLI'm amazed at some of the answers here pertaining clearing brush from farmland, with a rotary cutter.
One poster said there were better ways that's cheaper. I'd like to know how that person would clear 5 acres of one-to-two-inch brush like this,
and what that cheaper way would be that it would get done "this" centry!
Another comment said it was "abusing" the cutter, how is that happening when the cutter is rated to take out a steady diet of larger diameter brush/trees than one-to-two-inch?
Then there's the poster who said a different method would cut the brush closer to the ground. Closer to the ground than this??
Only a shovel would get it any closer!! lol
My guess is, folks that never have done these things "think" they know more about this work, than those of us that been doing it for years and years!
now 4-4! lolOkay Gays and Gals. I was only gone two days and had to wade thru 4 pages just now. Where are the wheel barrows. Not a one. None hauling wood. None hauling catalogs of loading supplies for medium and large game. None hauling literature about tractors or brush mowers. Oh and only one post about cutting down a broken willow. I was hoping a wheel barrow got used in that one, but noooo......
"A Song & a Dance" Your one clever Marine !i have an M-1. picked up off a friend when he was moving for a& a
ohh-rah!P.S. The M1Garand was developed by fellow Cannuck (Quebec) John Garand who also created the 30-06 Springfield cartridge . The Marine Carbine I refer to had both 15 & 30 round clips vs the 8 round of the Infantry Rifle . My Uncle referred to it as a Marine Grade M1 Garand Carbine , so 50 yrs later that's my story brother lol.
i'd tell ya'all about my Thompson... 45 mag and drum... full auto of course... with correct registration...Yeah , numerous versions . The current AR platform is farm superior for your purposes . Any Military firearm is designed for one purpose , seriously wounding the enemy . Clean kills are often counter productive . As impressive as the AK-47 technology was at the time no full auto firearm fills my want list lol.
no, not with barn sides on top of agenda list, or close!!Wait, what are my purposes.
I have no need for auto myself, but they are fun to play with now and then. A true auto AK cost a handsome price here, I know spending that kind of cash wouldn't serve my purposes lol.
I've seen some of your culinary skills, I bet you have a recipe or two in your index that calls for Yukon gold's. I'll be digging the Russet's before too get my vote, Lf. nice bucket full!![]()
i can tell ya where it is for me today. i am quite sure i have enuff sq ft under roof to serve my needs. glad i built that barn when i did, although i belly-ached a lot then about costs....I had a chipmunk on the back porch steps, couldn't even use the scope as it was only about 8' away, just eyeballed it out the window, and boom. I had to get the hose out for that one lol.
Shot a lot of 22-250 as a kid, one of the handful of guns my dad has that I'd want, he has a lot, more than I have chainsaws.
That ain't no joke. I was just thinking of how much I spent just on the steel for the roof, soffits, and fascia. Crazier yet is that most likely it will keep going higher. Last yr when I bought it all it had stabilized at 4.25 a ft for the roof material, not sure where it's at today, bit I ned a lot of feet to finish the walls
hi Lf - as i sit here clicking off pages, laffing a hoot or two... am eating boiled spuds and cabbage!I've seen some of your culinary skills, I bet you have a recipe or two in your index that calls for Yukon gold's. I'll be digging the Russet's before too long.
hi Nw - and i am getting pretty good with them these days!!!. this da** site makes me reload all the time!!!!Remind me to notify all the red & black squirrels at hunting camp in case you & Tex fly in . I can see it all now , Tex with his double action 45's & you with your sawed off carriage gun wreaking havoc within the oak blowdowns !P.S. I will give you an update on the gun metal grey & charcoal metal sideing pricing ballooning . Heading to the Mennonites with the diesel & backhoe float for a pickup with my Son next week , only thing worse than the current price of diesel has to be metal.
Actually Yes , $17 for the Enfield & $12 for the Ross @ Cochrane & Dunlop brother if in yeah catch my drift !$50 a copy, lot more than dime a dozen...![]()
What no sprouts ?hi Lf - as i sit here clicking off pages, laffing a hoot or two... am eating boiled spuds and cabbage!
I strongly disagree!There are way to many factors to make a statement like that Sir. It all depends on how much brush between you and the game animal! Type of cartridge, type and weight of projectile. One, two, or three alder limbs is a whole lot different than an entire alder thicket! Also,
distance between limbs, size of limbs, and angles of impact on limbs. All play a huge part in bullet deflection! I would suspect a hunter with all your experience. Who has shot 25 Moose, so many caribou, so many bears, so many sheep, so many deer, so many... Would know that!
P.S. You eat a lot of meat don't you!!![]()
Nw is my Guns & Ammo 'go to guy' !As I said previously 7.62 x 33 mm shot over a few 1000 rounds out of the M1 carbine . Not much more punch than a hot loaded 357 Magnums , that's why the military hated it in the jungles , couldn't ' punch through the brush . Great for urban warfare lol.
same here! my Dad was over in Hawaii end WWII, in Korea etc. keeping the birds in the air! he rarely if ever mentioned anything about his time in wars. and he was a career military man!I believe it. My Grandfather did not speak of it for years until that Memorial day before his death.