Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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One time my dad and me, put paper pie plates at different distances into a large willow patch, some places the willows were thicker than others ect., at different distances ect.. Then we stood back (again at different distances) and shot at the plates with all kinds of calibers and bullet weights.

It only takes ONE limb to throw a bullet off its course!

NOTHING hit the plates consistently, some would go past the plates, but none could be called ACCURATE at hitting the plates consistently. Many times, pieces of bullet would hit a plate, but like I said, there was NOTHING consistent!

I will say it was fun to see the streaks go into the willows as we shot, sometimes only hitting one or two small willows, sometimes hitting several.

A magazine article once had some testers set up a whole elaborate test to see what a brush buster was. They were much more scientific than WE were, took days to do their testing but the results were the same as ours!

I'm not sure how you got so much smarter than everyone else on everything to do with guns, cartridges and ballistics, but those of us that have been in "it" for more than 50 years, running extensive test and having personal experiences with this stuff, just don't agree with you.

Personally, I have more respect for animals than try to deliberately brush bust!

Excuse me for being rude, but guys that "know it all" are a big reason why I put all of this behind me "once" already, and I'm not going back! lol I'm moving on....

With the most sincerest respect Sir! That is a very interesting test and I can definitely appreciate that information for sure. I've never tried that myself, but would like to. I definitely don't "know it all", nor do act like it by boasting about all the different hunts I've been on and all the different species of game I've taken! LMAO!!! 🤔 However, I do have just a little bit 🤏 of experience in the field. Also, there are many hunters on this forum that im sure practice good and humane hunting ethics! I know I do! And believe it or not Sir. I have never lost or wounded an animal by what you call "brush busting"

Good hunting to you Sir, and best of luck punching your next tag! 👍 Thankyou, that is all!
Hey guys just got done in the shop sharpening chains my in laws were hit by a tornado roof damage and there are trees down all over the property. If I miss anyone's reply my apologys. I'll try and go back and hit as many as I can between cutting all this up. I have quite the job ahead of me. Just got done getting all the saws ready for tomorrow. View attachment 1013689View attachment 1013690View attachment 1013691
same here! my Dad was over in Hawaii end WWII, in Korea etc. keeping the birds in the air! he rarely if ever mentioned anything about his time in wars. and he was a career military man!

and i was too young and i did not know enuff to ask...
Neither did I. My father goated him into it. He said oh well you were just a truck driver right John...because that's what my mom would always say... well apparently that wasn't going to be how that was going to go and we got all those stories in short order. But I remember being quite saddened and upset after that when he was going into detail about how the ramp when they hit the beach came down on bodies two high..its important to know for history to not be repeated but horrific for all those involved.
I collect Stevens Single Shot target rifles. I was watching a Pope Barreled Stevens and it just sold for $14,000. No, I did not win the bid. Stevens became known as a lower cost firearm. But in the day, from the late 1880's for about 50 years, they made the barrels for many of the best target shots in the world. I recently bought a Stevens 414 Armory Target Rifle. The 1910 US Olympic team won the gold medal with this model. I just looked up the 325. The first thing they said is there is no proof that they were made with left over 30 cal machine gun barrels. BUT, the barrels do screw to the action with the same nut that the machine gun barrels used. So there is no proof that they didn't. Interesting short article on an interesting rifle. I doubt I'll go looking for one, but if I trip on one, I'll pick it up.
I wonder what the truth is maybe just propaganda to sell more guns who knows. I know is a very accurate gun my FIL has nicknamed it the deer slayer. My grandfather killed dang near 100 deer with it and it's over 5 for myself and it's a one shot and done.
The crappy part, and I'm sure CO is similar, is it's the people in the urban centers that control a lot of the politics. Even here in Cali, if you were teleported to my county, you'd think you were in ID, Montana, Wyoming, etc. The state is controlled by the people that live in the SF Gay Area and LA...the people that live in the central valley and in the Sierras, have little-to-nothing in common with the coast area, yet we literally have no say in state politics.

There was a movement a few years ago to break the north half of the state off(Jefferson,) but that was doomed to fail. The populated areas need to steal our water and other resources, they'd never let it go.
I‘m a Cali native…grew up in a Central Valley farming town…well versed…
No wheelbarrow pictures, but I did get this future scrounge cut into 6-8' logs to process when I'm feeling more up to it. View attachment 1013710Last night was just enough cutting to clear our private road.
Nice to hear ur getting back at it. Nice to be able to drive down the road too.
No wheelbarrow pictures, but I did get this future scrounge cut into 6-8' logs to process when I'm feeling more up to it. View attachment 1013710Last night was just enough cutting to clear our private road.
Better take it easy.
Nice job though :).
After seeing videos of Howell I figured you guys got slammed pretty bad.
We had winds up to 70, I guys there's been enough "natural pruning" around her in the last couple yrs, so we only lost a bunch of 3-4" branches. Need to get it all cleaned up this morning so I can mow.
With the most sincerest respect Sir! That is a very interesting test and I can definitely appreciate that information for sure. I've never tried that myself, but would like to. I definitely don't "know it all", nor do act like it by boasting about all the different hunts I've been on and all the different species of game I've taken! LMAO!!! 🤔 However, I do have just a little bit 🤏 of experience in the field. Also, there are many hunters on this forum that im sure practice good and humane hunting ethics! I know I do! And believe it or not Sir. I have never lost or wounded an animal by what you call "brush busting"

Good hunting to you Sir, and best of luck punching your next tag! 👍 Thankyou, that is all!
Have done the papper plate bench sighting in process for over 50 years up to 200 yds after that silhouettes only up to 500 yds .
Hey guys just got done in the shop sharpening chains my in laws were hit by a tornado roof damage and there are trees down all over the property. If I miss anyone's reply my apologys. I'll try and go back and hit as many as I can between cutting all this up. I have quite the job ahead of me. Just got done getting all the saws ready for tomorrow. View attachment 1013689View attachment 1013690View attachment 1013691
Holy heck VT! I was in burton and not much action but I see spots to the east of me was hit hard. Be safe cutting brother!
Better take it easy.
Nice job though :).
After seeing videos of Howell I figured you guys got slammed pretty bad.
We had winds up to 70, I guys there's been enough "natural pruning" around her in the last couple yrs, so we only lost a bunch of 3-4" branches. Need to get it all cleaned up this morning so I can mow.

70mph winds no sweat for the barn. Glad no damage.
I see your point, and yes. Why would you shoot through a tree?!?! 🤔 Why would any hunter shoot through a tree?!?! We are talking "brush" cartridges here. Not tree cartridges.

Now lets talk hunting ethics. I love long range precision shooting, and I am fair marksman with a rifle. I can hit a 4" bull at 500 no problem with my PRC rifle if Im sloppy that particular day at the range. However. Its weights almost 20 pounds. I don't hunt with it. I'm confident with any of my hunting rifles out to 300. I don't shoot further than that at game. Furthermore, I never ever take head shots!!! I was taught at a young age by my father, that no matter how good of hunter, rifleman, marksman, sniper, or pee shooter I think I am. That mistakes can easily be made no matter how good of a shot you are, and s**t happens in the field! He inStihled this into me. I shoot for the vitals! Wether it be 30 yards or 300. Its simply the biggest target and you can hit only a portion of the vitals and the animal will Stihl die quickly provided you "Bring Enough Gun"!!! People who brag about only taking head shots, (and im saying you in particular Sir) never tell you about the jaws or noses they've blown off! Only to see the animal run off and die a slow horrible painful death!!! If they say they never have wounded an animal in the head. They haven't harvested many animals with only head shots. I haven't killed the San Diego Zoo, but I've taken well over 100 Blacktail. Unfortunately. I've made some sloppy shots that Im not at all proud of, anyone who says they haven't. Is not an avid hunter and has not taken many animals at all! Just about all of my slop shots were all a little bit far back in the midsection. However, being as when I hunt. I "Bring Enough Gun", so even gut shot deer die quickly and don't make it far. I can only remember two that I hit to low in the front leg that got away. I tried for two days to find the animals and finish them off. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful! 👎 I've actually harvested two deer that had recovered from sloppy head shots. One with deformed nose blown all to h**l and one with a jacked up jaw. The sad thing is. A lot, not all or even most of us hunters, but a lot. Never even make an attempt to find an animal they wound that gets away. IMOP Taking shots through brush, is a hunting ethics decision the hunter must make based on experience. I've shot a hand full of Blacktial through brush. Nothing thick, because that would be unethical. However, every deer I have shot through brush. Went down with the quickness right now! All of them with a well placed shot to the vitals and by "bringing enough gun" !

Good hunting to you Sir, and best of luck punching your next tag! 👍 Thankyou, that is all.
Actually I am speaking of twigs , no 1-3" branch's . My Big bore has a dedicated scope & see through Weaver mounts . I normally use the scope for spotting & sizing use . Majority of my shots in the bush are 75-100 yrs . Iron sights are more than adequate at those ranges . Occassionalky I have an open shot over 100 yds on white tail and the scope is convenient . I only have had to shoot other than the boiler house ( heart & lungs ) twice . Once in Kenora Ontario shooting deer & White River Ontario during moose season . Both were neck shots . 90 yd on the 12 pt buck due to it ambusing me standing broadside with the sun in my face , rendering the scope useless . Same with the Bull @ 150 yds same sun interference . Both animals folded like a house of cards . I always think of my Dad , who advised to always mount scopes with see through sites . Saved my bacon twice , along with ensuring I learned young to know your rifle , cartridge & aim ! P.S. Never intentionally shot through a tree :buttkick:
Actually I am speaking of twigs , no 1-3" branch's . My Big bore has a dedicated scope & see through Weaver mounts . I normally use the scope for spotting & sizing use . Majority of my shots in the bush are 75-100 yrs . Iron sights are more than adequate at those ranges . Occassionalky I have an open shot over 100 yds on white tail and the scope is convenient . I only have had to shoot other than the boiler house ( heart & lungs ) twice . Once in Kenora Ontario shooting deer & White River Ontario during moose season . Both were neck shots . 90 yd on the 12 pt buck due to it ambusing me standing broadside with the sun in my face , rendering the scope useless . Same with the Bull @ 150 yds same sun interference . Both animals folded like a house of cards . I always think of my Dad , who advised to always mount scopes with see through sites . Saved my bacon twice , along with ensuring I learned young to know your rifle , cartridge & aim ! P.S. Never intentionally shot through a tree :buttkick:
Exactly! Twigs and very small limbs or berry bush type brush! Also, if I can't see the entire silhouette of the animal Im shooting at. I won't take the shot. Im talking game right on the inside of the fringe of a patch of small brush. For example, IMOP. That's were a cartridge like the .45-70 dominates over a 22-250 or .243 as far as deflection and bullet tumble is concerned. If a hunter is shooting blind deep into moving bushes? With no idea what he is firing at? 👎 He is simply asking for horrible results in the worst possible way, and needs to take a hunters safety course!

Good hunting to you Sir!👍
For the record, I never intentionally hit brush, always try to thread the needle, but in many places if you are not going to shoot at a walking deer (sometimes briskly) going through heavy brush, you are not going to get a deer. That is where they go when hunting season starts.

If you hunt where there is no (or little) hunting pressure, good for you, but I don't have that luxury.

The closer the brush is too the deer, the better your chances. When I had the bad experience with a 270, the very small brush was about 10 yds from me and the focus of the scope made it invisible. It was only about 1/8" stuff, but it deflected 3 bullets wildly. (the deer did not know where I was and kept going in a circle) My brother also did not get a deer he hit right in the shoulder with the 270 (less than 50 yds away) because the bullet went through brush and lost too much power before it hit the deer, and I took a deer with the 270 Win Short Mag and was not impressed with the bullet performance. Again, heavy brush, the bullet went in large (indicating a brush hit) and came out very small, leaving a poor blood trail. After that, I resolved to use a larger caliber in the future. I never had the problems (described above) using the 300 Win Mag (downloaded) or the 30-06. However, I have noticed that larger bore guns seem to kill faster, so my 338-06 project will hopefully be just the ticket!

Conversely, my 348 Winchester is like a 35 Rem on Steroids and has taken deer after punching through small saplings. Unfortunately, my eyes are getting too old for open sights. Even within 100 yds, a good scope will make things that are in the shadows brighter. In addition, they implemented the 3 - point rule up at my property, a deer must have at least 3 - 1" tines on one side. Try seeing that on a moving deer in heavy brush!

As I have expressed previously, no gun will be unaffected by brush, but some do a heck of a lot better than others. My goal is to duplicate my 348 with a scope ... and then some! I plan to put a 3 X 9 X 50 on this gun to make it as bright as possible. Fingers crossed! This is my vision of the best hunting rifle for the conditions.

Also, I have not taken near as many deer as several of the folks on this site, but I have taken my share and have taken them with long bow (both from a tree stand and while still hunting), a cross bow, a Muzzleloader, Shotgun and Rifles (5 different calibers). So, I think my understanding of what works, or not, is pretty good.

The only reason I have not taken a bear is because I passed on them, I would rather hunt deer, they taste much better.