Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Damn it! Family life, rushing and saws don't mix....I hate trying to fit a bit of cutting in late afternoon for this reason

Okay, Makita 4300 (dolmar 410 I believe). First use in a couple of months but was run dry and winterised (run with choke once out of fuel/pulled over a dozen times to get the carb dry too). Filled with fresh mix. Stats right up but stalls as I pull the trigger. Repeat 3 or 6 times.... Hmm. Blocked high jet in thinking. Had once before with a different saw and managed to get it to clear itself pretty quickly so . ... Start and let it idle to warm a little, pull trigger gently and after a few goes I get it to pick up, although not quite right. Try a few cuts, still not right after 3 or so, so when it stalls I think it's time to get it apart before I do damage.

Ok, air filter clean enough, pull carb off, remove diaphragm and the cap the other side, all looks clean and saw is only a year old so diaphragm in good condition. Not sure if I'm going to need to do more or not.... Before I can try the saw again how the **** do I get this hose back where it should be!?!!! In disconnecting it from the carb I accidently pulled and disconnected it from the other end. Is that the impulse line? Whatever. How the hell do I get to it and where it should connect? Please tell me I don't need to completely dismantle the saw.... But I can't even see where it should be connected and fear I'm going to have to take the jug off to access!

So.....3 problems, 1. What was my original fault? 2 if it's the carb, how do I fix it? 3. How to reconnect the hose?

I put the saw back together to keep the bits in one place and put it away before the light went.... Now I'm sulking.

Photos of the hose, where it connects on the Zama carb and where I could see the other end.

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I'm peeved as I take such care not to leave fuel in it and to use e free.....********!
Put some concentrated fuel cleaner in your fresh mixed gas a few ounces , get it running via the choke until you run some through the carb . Let it then sit overnite , fire it up the next day & run it like you stole it . Usually works . If not you will need to dismantle the carb or remove the jets & clean with tag wire & carb cleaner spray .
G'day fellers,

Well, I nearly punched out a 17 year old kid this afternoon. Cowlad was on the bus home (1.5hr trip) with 3 other kids including two girls. Three late teenagers got on (two boys and a girl, who had a black eye), including one who clearly must have had some serious ADHD. He harassed the four of them, particularly my son who had his violin case (yes, at age 15 he decided he wanted to play the violin). Didn't actually lay a hand on any of them but threatened to break Cowlad's violin when he wouldn't let the punk play it along with plenty of other verbal abuse. Unfortunately, both of the boys are lovers not fighters and didn't stand up and push back. Of course, the 17 year olds didn't have money to pay their fare and when I drove off home with Cowlad they were being held up by the bus driver and a colleague. Once I heard the story from the boy I turned around and went back.

The kid denied everything of course, said he was asleep the whole time. Which contrasts to the testimony of the others on the bus including the driver. He never looked me in the eye once and stared at the ground coward style. Then again, I had 6 inches and a good 40 pounds on him, along with a substantial amount of righteous parental anger. Anyway, though I did tell him he was an effin little sh## I didn't beat them up, though it would have done my soul much good and hopefully taught him a valuable lesson about picking on kids smaller than himself. The real downside would have been that in the People's Republic of Victoria, I would have been charged with assault and hauled over the coals and God-knows-what punishment. 30 years ago, a good arse-kicking meted out would have been viewed as a *good thing*. In the end, they took off when one of the bus staff called the cops but we found out where they are staying, and now so do the police when the inevitable thefts and break-ins commence.

I did the right thing, didn't I?
Sure you did, as right as you could have and not go to jail.
G'day fellers,

Well, I nearly punched out a 17 year old kid this afternoon. Cowlad was on the bus home (1.5hr trip) with 3 other kids including two girls. Three late teenagers got on (two boys and a girl, who had a black eye), including one who clearly must have had some serious ADHD. He harassed the four of them, particularly my son who had his violin case (yes, at age 15 he decided he wanted to play the violin). Didn't actually lay a hand on any of them but threatened to break Cowlad's violin when he wouldn't let the punk play it along with plenty of other verbal abuse. Unfortunately, both of the boys are lovers not fighters and didn't stand up and push back. Of course, the 17 year olds didn't have money to pay their fare and when I drove off home with Cowlad they were being held up by the bus driver and a colleague. Once I heard the story from the boy I turned around and went back.

The kid denied everything of course, said he was asleep the whole time. Which contrasts to the testimony of the others on the bus including the driver. He never looked me in the eye once and stared at the ground coward style. Then again, I had 6 inches and a good 40 pounds on him, along with a substantial amount of righteous parental anger. Anyway, though I did tell him he was an effin little sh## I didn't beat them up, though it would have done my soul much good and hopefully taught him a valuable lesson about picking on kids smaller than himself. The real downside would have been that in the People's Republic of Victoria, I would have been charged with assault and hauled over the coals and God-knows-what punishment. 30 years ago, a good arse-kicking meted out would have been viewed as a *good thing*. In the end, they took off when one of the bus staff called the cops but we found out where they are staying, and now so do the police when the inevitable thefts and break-ins commence.

I did the right thing, didn't I?
I believe you did. Sounds to me like you got the point across to the bully. 👍 If giving the punk an a** whoop'n would have got you thrown in the brig? You'd miss out on hearing your boy play that fiddle! 😉 Yes. IMOP, I think you did the right thing. 👍👍
G'day fellers,

Well, I nearly punched out a 17 year old kid this afternoon. Cowlad was on the bus home (1.5hr trip) with 3 other kids including two girls. Three late teenagers got on (two boys and a girl, who had a black eye), including one who clearly must have had some serious ADHD. He harassed the four of them, particularly my son who had his violin case (yes, at age 15 he decided he wanted to play the violin). Didn't actually lay a hand on any of them but threatened to break Cowlad's violin when he wouldn't let the punk play it along with plenty of other verbal abuse. Unfortunately, both of the boys are lovers not fighters and didn't stand up and push back. Of course, the 17 year olds didn't have money to pay their fare and when I drove off home with Cowlad they were being held up by the bus driver and a colleague. Once I heard the story from the boy I turned around and went back.

The kid denied everything of course, said he was asleep the whole time. Which contrasts to the testimony of the others on the bus including the driver. He never looked me in the eye once and stared at the ground coward style. Then again, I had 6 inches and a good 40 pounds on him, along with a substantial amount of righteous parental anger. Anyway, though I did tell him he was an effin little sh## I didn't beat them up, though it would have done my soul much good and hopefully taught him a valuable lesson about picking on kids smaller than himself. The real downside would have been that in the People's Republic of Victoria, I would have been charged with assault and hauled over the coals and God-knows-what punishment. 30 years ago, a good arse-kicking meted out would have been viewed as a *good thing*. In the end, they took off when one of the bus staff called the cops but we found out where they are staying, and now so do the police when the inevitable thefts and break-ins commence.

I did the right thing, didn't I?
You definitely did.
Slabs are great firewood! Burned them in Ohio. Had a sawmill not 1/2 mile from my house! Guy witht the forklift used to dump a whole load right into my pickup!!
Secret is having the patience to allow them to dry out!! Don't and they will cause a chimney fire in a heart beat! I know from experience!!! :laugh:
I burn ALL the slab wood off my BSM,


It makes GREAT firewood!

One thing that has changed in this environment, the schools will often protect the aggressor even though they will admit the kid was acting up.....two of my kids were brought into the principals office and warned to stay away from student XYZ....I called up the principal and told him that my kids are not the problem and they sure as heck shouldn't have to spend their day avoiding the little ******* that is always causing problems.

My friend who is partially hispanic has kids who definitely "have a tan". A kid called her kid a racial slur and the school told him that he should ignore the kid and accept it cause it is in rap music....said the same thing to mom. Kid who was called name was brought to principal's office because they "thought he would retaliate" against the bully. WTF
I believe you did. Sounds to me like you got the point across to the bully. 👍 If giving the punk an a** whoop'n would have got you thrown in the brig?

Maybe yes, maybe no. One of the girls with my son on the bus is the daughter of one of the local cops! He probably would have suggested to be more discreet than to beat the snot out of someone at the local bus depot in broad daylight but he wasn't on duty. Once when my mate who owned a local restaurant had it broken into (which happened several times), the local cops told him that if he actually caught a guy in the act and had him under control, he should call them but that they would give him a few minutes to 'get his point across' before they came to pick up the thief who would presumably then be a bit worse for wear.

If it was an officer from the neighbouring town then who knows. An assault charge could potentially complicate my ability to work.
... My daughter however took a lot of convincing. She didn't want to get into trouble and there was a boy terrorizing her in the 8th grade. ...

My daughter grew up defending her classmates from the bullies, and started quite young at it. She was bigger than the other kids in the first grade, so it was easy when she was a tyke.

That confidence carried her though high school. She told me once about an older boy that came up and knocked all her books out of her hands. So she knocked him down right there in the hallway in front of a teacher and a bunch of other students, who made a big circle around the scene. Teacher scampered over and began the investigation of who to throw out of school.

Her response: "No problem, we just ran into each other." Teacher knew better, but was happy to let it all go. Needless to say, that fellow never gave her any more trouble.
Those girls needn't be helpless victims, if you don't raise them to be that way.

I don't recall how she knocked him down, but it was apparently quite effective. I think she was in the 10th grade at the time.
Is there any such thing as a good Winter?
Getting snow here in northern lower peninsula Michigan, had to go help my dad figure out why a bar wouldn't fit on his cs400. The 1st gen is way better than second gen, 1st gen has rim sprocket and aluminum handle 2nd gen abs plastic handle and spur sprocket. Had to clear the snow off the windshield 20221017_105236.jpg
One thing that has changed in this environment, the schools will often protect the aggressor even though they will admit the kid was acting up.....two of my kids were brought into the principals office and warned to stay away from student XYZ....I called up the principal and told him that my kids are not the problem and they sure as heck shouldn't have to spend their day avoiding the little ******* that is always causing problems.

My friend who is partially hispanic has kids who definitely "have a tan". A kid called her kid a racial slur and the school told him that he should ignore the kid and accept it cause it is in rap music....said the same thing to mom. Kid who was called name was brought to principal's office because they "thought he would retaliate" against the bully. WTF
Unfortunately I see and hear all too often the bully is protected by the school and the victim is shamed or victimized more.
Yeah, no. My Daughter was targeted by a set of twins in her grade with a sister two grades ahead at the high school. Tolerated getting spit at from the second floor open balconies, and general **** talking for a few months, She was pretty close to a female teacher who had been giving her advice on her dual enrollment (she graduated HS as a junior with her AS degree from the State College across the street, but gave up Softball, weightlifting, and track an field to do so) who had knowlege of what had been going on.

These three siters were well known, and their Momma wasn't doing anything to rein them in. They would come to the beach and hang out all day, and then take advantage of another young girl (who was friends with my daughter) who was latch key by her single Dad, and crash at her place, Shoplifting from the local small busnesses, just being complete delinquents.

At a in-the-country field party on a Friday night, typical of an after Game, one of the twins wanted to escalate it, and it was a mistake. My daughter hit the girl just one time, knocked her out cold. Laid there and pissed herself for all to see on Youtube in minutes......

I KNEW I was going to get called in to the school so without letting them, we showed up first thing Monday. The Principal didn;t make me wait, except to call in the on campus Sheriff, to which the prinicpal wanted to then proceed to rail at my Daughter.( Our schools have had on duty uniformed Sheriffs for over 15 years) I only let it go on for about a minute before interupting, and relaying the event happened off campus and it certainly wasn't a school function- at a farmers pasture at night. HOWEVER, Mrs. (Teacher) needed to be consulted, to bear witness to the targeting of my Daughter for a couple of months since the beginning of the school year. The Principal got the point she wasn;t going to talk to me or my daughter as if there were consequences for HER from the school, and since it was the beginning of the day- she sent her to class and I went to work.

That afternoon a different Sheriff pulls up in the driveway and he wants to talk with Daughter, to which I truthfully replied whe was not home, out surfing, but he and I could talk on the porch, which- was all he was going to get, even if she was home. You could see the gears turning in this guys head. Asks if I knew why he was there and did I have the details of what happened? At that point I hadn't seen the YouTube video, but I said I knew something had happened but no detail. He tells me, she laid her out. The other MOM wanted me to pay for the emergency room bill, seems she hurt her shoulder and had a set of black eyes. I sat in silence while he waited for me to say something. When he got tired of silence he asked if I had intention of paying the bills, and of course I said no. But perhaps he needed to ask the Sherrif who works at the school about what the principal heard from her mentor. He let on the three girls were known entities and he felt bad their Mom was unable and not even trying to keep her daughters on the straight line. But he still wanted to talk to my Daughter. To which I asked him to what benefit? Its not going to change things, She is still in school, and if something happens at school, well, then the school is going to handle it, If you want to talk with my Daughter, you'll have to bring charges, arrest her and in front of an attorney, you might get to ask him some questions, but you aren't going to get anything from her.

He sort of said some things like he was going to follow up with the other Deputy and the school, and he might be back to talk more, maybe talk with my Daughter, as he was walking back to his car. I was so mad- I reminded him, she will be polite, but she WILL refuse to talk to you in any way, and if you persist, such as seeking her out at the school, we will have another sort of conversation with many other people around you. He paused, gear thinking again, but put his car in drive and drove away down the street.

-Passing my daughter walking home from the beach with a board under her arm. He never came back. She continued to get A's, and spent even less time on the HS campus, as she could take more and more College level classes across the street that made showing up at the HS unnecessary. Them poor neglected twin girls didn't finish high school,

No, getting into it with a minor is a problem, but, you could have a discussion with a parent?
I believe it's a double D. Bought a whole set of carb adjuster tools for reasonable money. Junky but they do the job.
Found a you tube which said pacman, but one ordered a set of 3, DD, pacman and splined.
Put some concentrated fuel cleaner in your fresh mixed gas a few ounces , get it running via the choke until you run some through the carb . Let it then sit overnite , fire it up the next day & run it like you stole it . Usually works . If not you will need to dismantle the carb or remove the jets & clean with tag wire & carb cleaner spray .
The you tube and someone else said richen it up a load, it normally allows it to clear itself. I'll try your suggestion if that fails. But what is fuel cleaner? Never heard of that before
Found a you tube which said pacman, but one ordered a set of 3, DD, pacman and splined.

The you tube and someone else said richen it up a load, it normally allows it to clear itself. I'll try your suggestion if that fails. But what is fuel cleaner? Never heard of that before
If it were me, I would not adjust the carb at all, I'd try to get fuel thru the carb and maybe use the conditioner as was already said. If the cab needs to be adjusted, then it needs to be cleaned out/rebuilt if it was running properly where it's currently set before.
I also wouldn't do a muffler mod until the issue was resolved.
If you need any pics of anything, let me know and I'll get mine out and snap some for you, but it sounds like you figured out the basics on taking it apart/reassembling it already.
Did you check to see if anything had gotten into the muffler when it started acting up.
No didn't check the muffler, it bogged and stalled so instantly on squeezing the throttle I'll pretty sure it's fuel.

Yeah I got it back together fine I think, thanks though.

I found a YouTube from Zama on fitting their rebuild kits and that made checking and adjusting the metering lever simple to understand. Mine seemed a little low so I tweaked it up a little, still with a gap below a straight edge across the carb body though.... And since it was running fine before I don't expect that too have solved it. I'm hoping some fuel sitting in it for a few days will clear the bit of gum though, and I've ordered some redex to try
Got some tree work one today. Came most of the way down in a wind storm. Got it the rest of the way to the ground and bucked up. Took a few hours to get bucked up. Butt end is around 34" only had a little of the 36" bar sticking through at the root ball. Getting the root ball cut off was a bit sketchy, for whatever reason it's like a little ravine on that side. Root ball was holding the butt end up at about 4 feet off the ground yet. I was thinking it would.make some nice boards, but it has stress fractures through most the trunk. So, shoulder season wood it is.


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