Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I've seen that style before, but I'm not sure of the manufacture/model.
Woodland pro sells a similar one. attachment 1024796

I bought a cheap belt/disc sander I plan on setting up in my barn when I get a room I can heat finished.
What grinder are the parts in the box for.
The grinder parts are for a Silvey Razor Sharp 2. I have two of them. One in good condition, the other in fair condition. I acquired the spare parts in the box just recently. 👍
Are you using that for truing up bars and deburring?
Yes, we use it fir deburring. The other guys use a roller press to squeeze spread rails. I don't mess with the roller press. IMOP, once the rails spread. The bar is done! 👎 I've never seen any significant amount of bar life gained from pressing spread rails. Seems to me the rails spread back open fairly quick.
Here they run 24 inch on 880's and 395's. I put a 16" on a 3120 once but was not at all impressed. The lower rpm of the 3120 did not utilize the bar.
I used the 16" on the 660 fir free hand ripping six and eight inch logs in half fir a neighbor. Worked great. I'd grab a bite with the dawgs until I reached almost through. Then grabbed another bite. I did it that way all the way down the logs. About 20 of them 12 foot long. All on one chain. I just left about a half inch holding on the far side so I didn't rock the chain. they pried apart very easily after that! 👍The logs were just laying on the ground and not on skids. Thats why I didn't rip them all the way through.

Cut safe, stay sharp, and be aware!
I've seen that style before, but I'm not sure of the manufacture/model.
Woodland pro sells a similar one. attachment 1024796

I bought a cheap belt/disc sander I plan on setting up in my barn when I get a room I can heat finished.
What grinder are the parts in the box for.

Flat files and a vise work pretty well. They have to be in pretty bad condition before I want a grinder. I usually file before I will walk out to the shed and use my blade grinder.

Also, if you have one, an RBG does a fine job on bars. It is much better for sharpening mower blades though than any rail grinder. The RBG pictured below is the big one; they make smaller versions for smaller budgets.


I've even used it to sharpen my chipper knives, but that takes a lot of careful effort to keep them parallel.
Maple trees are often associated with syrup and pancakes, but there is much more to be known. Maple Firewood is known as the best choice to be used as firewood due to its numerous features.

They clearly don't grow hedge trees in your part of the world.

About the most common complaint I've heard about hedge (Osage Orange) firewood is that it burns too hot. I think it's kinda hard to get started, but most dense woods are. Osage Orange tops the charts for trees found in the US.
It does pop and throw more sparks than any wood I have ever seen, however. And it does the most popping right when you open the door on your wood stove and let fresh air in.

When I open the door, I just open it for about 1/2 inch for about 30 seconds or more. Enough to let in a lot of air and still keep the sparks inside the stove. It doesn't completely work, but it does cut down on the firestorm you always face when that door first opens.
Is that a 20” bar on the 261? Those little saws rip and are very light, I love mine with an 18” bar. Sweet combo 500/261, I use 400/261 for my firewood needs but could get by with the 50cc alone.
It's an 18" 3/8 .063 bar. I was going to go 16 inch, but all those bars were out of stock here locally. I found an 18, then thought a bit more about how often my ms250 (18" .325) cut firewood the diameter of the bar I went with the 18. My make or break goal was if the 261 could pull that bigger chain through the same wood the 250 did then it was a win (I want to buy a roll of chain and have everything mostly the same).

It's an awesome saw.

The ms250 is partnered up with a 460 magnum I use when scrounging stuff to mill. I should hopefully be using it tomorrow. I was going to sell the 250 now that the 261 is all decked out, but, there's just something about being able to tune a saw yourself...
G'day fellers,

Well, I nearly punched out a 17 year old kid this afternoon. Cowlad was on the bus home (1.5hr trip) with 3 other kids including two girls. Three late teenagers got on (two boys and a girl, who had a black eye), including one who clearly must have had some serious ADHD. He harassed the four of them, particularly my son who had his violin case (yes, at age 15 he decided he wanted to play the violin). Didn't actually lay a hand on any of them but threatened to break Cowlad's violin when he wouldn't let the punk play it along with plenty of other verbal abuse. Unfortunately, both of the boys are lovers not fighters and didn't stand up and push back. Of course, the 17 year olds didn't have money to pay their fare and when I drove off home with Cowlad they were being held up by the bus driver and a colleague. Once I heard the story from the boy I turned around and went back.

The kid denied everything of course, said he was asleep the whole time. Which contrasts to the testimony of the others on the bus including the driver. He never looked me in the eye once and stared at the ground coward style. Then again, I had 6 inches and a good 40 pounds on him, along with a substantial amount of righteous parental anger. Anyway, though I did tell him he was an effin little sh## I didn't beat them up, though it would have done my soul much good and hopefully taught him a valuable lesson about picking on kids smaller than himself. The real downside would have been that in the People's Republic of Victoria, I would have been charged with assault and hauled over the coals and God-knows-what punishment. 30 years ago, a good arse-kicking meted out would have been viewed as a *good thing*. In the end, they took off when one of the bus staff called the cops but we found out where they are staying, and now so do the police when the inevitable thefts and break-ins commence.

I did the right thing, didn't I?
my 2 year old settled quickly so I dashed out and dismantled the plastics carefully....took more off than needed just to be sure so ended up with the recoil off and the metal plate on the clutch side....but got it apart without breaking anything or losing anything. with the plastics off, including gently pulling off the intake box/boot, it was easy to get to the elbow and reinstall the impluse line, yay!

Git it all back together....only missed the spring for the run switch and had to remove the plastics again partly...but then all back together, nothing left over. good. Had a quick peek at the carb and it looks clean so I've reinstalled, and when i get a chance at a sensible hour I'll see if it runs, if it doesn't I'll go at the carb again...need to buy some crb cleaner

high screw. its not a screw....its got some limiter screw thing.....with the carb out i could see no way to move the screw at all... err...? if i get round to de catting it I'll need to richen it up so wtf do I need to do to that screw?
I believe it's a double D. Bought a whole set of carb adjuster tools for reasonable money. Junky but they do the job.
It's taken 3 winters to finally clear out what was left for me by some road developers. It's a bit of a drive to get there. All that's left is crotches - so many crotches. The large ironbark in the top right is like 3 different crotches all merged into one. So many big hairy spiders, had to check my earmuffs every time I put them on. Don't want that kind of surprise.

View attachment 1024533

I have had big huntsmans crawl up the outside of my pants, up my shirt and appear on my shoulder in my peripheral vision mid cut. Big hairy things right next to my face has resulted in a few thrown chainsaws and much running around jumping on things.
G'day fellers,

Well, I nearly punched out a 17 year old kid this afternoon. Cowlad was on the bus home (1.5hr trip) with 3 other kids including two girls. Three late teenagers got on (two boys and a girl, who had a black eye), including one who clearly must have had some serious ADHD. He harassed the four of them, particularly my son who had his violin case (yes, at age 15 he decided he wanted to play the violin). Didn't actually lay a hand on any of them but threatened to break Cowlad's violin when he wouldn't let the punk play it along with plenty of other verbal abuse. Unfortunately, both of the boys are lovers not fighters and didn't stand up and push back. Of course, the 17 year olds didn't have money to pay their fare and when I drove off home with Cowlad they were being held up by the bus driver and a colleague. Once I heard the story from the boy I turned around and went back.

The kid denied everything of course, said he was asleep the whole time. Which contrasts to the testimony of the others on the bus including the driver. He never looked me in the eye once and stared at the ground coward style. Then again, I had 6 inches and a good 40 pounds on him, along with a substantial amount of righteous parental anger. Anyway, though I did tell him he was an effin little sh## I didn't beat them up, though it would have done my soul much good and hopefully taught him a valuable lesson about picking on kids smaller than himself. The real downside would have been that in the People's Republic of Victoria, I would have been charged with assault and hauled over the coals and God-knows-what punishment. 30 years ago, a good arse-kicking meted out would have been viewed as a *good thing*. In the end, they took off when one of the bus staff called the cops but we found out where they are staying, and now so do the police when the inevitable thefts and break-ins commence.

I did the right thing, didn't I?
I have 4 kids, youngest is 17. I always taught them that it's ok to stand up for themselves. We are not to be bullies. Only one of my son's ever had a problem because they are big boys and most left them alone especially after the oldest blazed the trail. My daughter however took a lot of convincing. She didn't want to get into trouble and there was a boy terrorizing her in the 8th grade. I promised ice cream if she took care of it. It wasn't until this boy turned his aggression to another and younger girl on the bus that my daughter had enough. She started in and her friend joined and helped and they gave this kid what he had coming. When the school called, I asked them where they were when my daughter was being harrassed and what were they doing to ensure the safety of the female students. Lol, then we went to Dairy Queen.
Not every kid has it in them to stand up and say enough. It's a decision everyone has to make for themselves and you can't do it for them. All you can do is give them the tools and let them know they have your support.
They clearly don't grow hedge trees in your part of the world.

About the most common complaint I've heard about hedge (Osage Orange) firewood is that it burns too hot. I think it's kinda hard to get started, but most dense woods are. Osage Orange tops the charts for trees found in the US.
It does pop and throw more sparks than any wood I have ever seen, however. And it does it the most popping right when you open the door on your wood stove and let fresh air in.

Osage/ Horse apple is nice wood & makes good wooden mallets, much better than white oak or even hickory.
Hi guys. Received an inch or two of wet snow overnight that is now gone. Cold dreary day and supposed to be the same tomorrow. Just hanging at the cabin doing a few projects and then heading to a surprise birthday party later then coming back up here to hunt tomorrow.
frigid :rolleyes: well, weather-wise made the news here this morning. frigid and cold in Omaha tv weatherman said. 25f! :cold:we hit highs records down here yesterday... 92f locally and 94f just a stone's throw S of downtown!! been hot here since about March... this afternoon should be about 20 or so degrees cooler... and the tv weatherman added:

"definitely going to be jacket weather this evening!"
frigid :rolleyes: well, weather-wise made the news here this morning. frigid and cold in Omaha tv weatherman said. 25f! :cold:we hit highs records down here yesterday... 92f locally and 94f just a stone's throw S of downtown!! been hot here since about March... this afternoon should be about 20 or so degrees cooler... and the tv weatherman added:

"definitely going to be jacket weather this evening!"
I think we’re in for a good winter 🥶