Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Been hot here for the last few days, 90* with high humidity. I'm not used to heat like that, and it sure makes it unpleasant workin' the wood pile. I don't know how you fellers stand it day after day. You can have it!! Anyway, the scrounged wood from my neighbor is split and stacked, finally. Did I mention that I like hydraulic fluid assisted wood splitting devices? :D
So I am brand new around here but not new to scrounging usually its just pallets because I mainly use it for camping firewood but this is the first time I have gotten fresh cut wood.
It is amazing what can happen if you just ask not sure what kind of wood it is though. I dont know much about wood....

So I am brand new around here but not new to scrounging usually its just pallets because I mainly use it for camping firewood but this is the first time I have gotten fresh cut wood.
It is amazing what can happen if you just ask not sure what kind of wood it is though. I dont know much about wood....

Welcome to the site!
So I am brand new around here but not new to scrounging usually its just pallets because I mainly use it for camping firewood but this is the first time I have gotten fresh cut wood.
It is amazing what can happen if you just ask not sure what kind of wood it is though. I dont know much about wood....

What year MegaCab?...looks '06-07? I've got an '06, bought brand new...just turned 47K original miles last week.
If I had an indoor stove I'd be looking forward to it.

I really like them and anytime I go somewhere especially in the winter I'm like a 2 year old to a shiny object.

Oooooooh a woodstove. Lol

Good luck with the bogger.

The bogger 2 def needs new engine. Tried new injectors, glowplugs and filters, ran it for a bit, sort of loud, smoke was clearing a little, revved it up, made more clanky hammering noise and stalled. Went to restart, no start, saw an idiot light on the dash says low coolant?? WTF, checked that before. . While letting it cool checked the oil, eeek! Inches deep with coolant. So, either this local guy who wants it (He wants to make a near showtruck from it with a built 454 he already has) does a swap soon, like this weekend (we've been talking about it a month now) or I order a dotmil engine pull and get it shipped here.
So I am brand new around here but not new to scrounging usually its just pallets because I mainly use it for camping firewood but this is the first time I have gotten fresh cut wood.
It is amazing what can happen if you just ask not sure what kind of wood it is though. I dont know much about wood....

welcome to the asylum. good job on the "scrounge". don't listen to these guy's that tell you you need to have a 2 saw plan. you need at least 5 or 6. :laughing:
Our better tasting lobsters comes from the colder water in the winter and the province is divided in zones opening at different times .

Zone 34 starts late November , tastiest lobstah's from there :)

That is interesting. I remember that winter that was not a winter 4 years ago, the next summer lobstah was the cheapest in 15 years or so. Apparently the warmer water kept them in, or they didn't need to go to the deep where its more dangerous or something.
Its an 06 1500 with the Hemi has just over 127k on it and still runs like a top.
Here's a shot of mine Toy4xchris...'06 and Hemi as well. Got to put up a pic...without 'em, these scroungers around here will ride ya like a pack mule. Lol. With only 47K mileage as of now, hopefully I'll get some long mileage outta this thing.

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