Had my phone interview today, it went fairly well. I'm now not sure if I want the job, like the reservations I had, it about 80% electrician work High voltage single and 3 phase. Definatly not really my thing, not that I couldn't learn it, but he didn't seem very warm to the idea I have limited experience with diagnosis on vfd drives, but was confident I should still come in and test. (Ironically I helped pull one of the vfd motors in a ride this morning... it sucked lol) when we got to the actual meat and potatoes part I kinda bulked a bit, amd I think he bulked a bit too. Starting pay is $33.86hr, after 2 years you go to top rate, which is $41.90 right now. (Currently making $37 and some change now) insurance starts 90 days after training completes (5 weeks of basic training) so we'd be out insurance for that period. The insurance is 100% company paid, and reported to be pretty good. Shift availability is pretty much second shift. He also wouldn't garentee any particular shift, but said it would likely be second. Which I could make work, but one of the two overnight shifts would be preferable.
We kinda had a good laugh about the required tools, think one of my former co-workers told him about my tool boxes. Told me if I passed the test to let my big box at home lol. Company funded pension right now just shy of $1900 per month. 20 years minimum to retire on it, 5 years to be vested in it. (Not bad at all imo)
At the end of the conversation he invited me to think things over for a few days, then call him back and let him know if I would like to do the first test. If I would pass that I would get a practical test (thats easy from what the boys tell me) I would get a job offer.
So it left me more confused then I was to begin with.
Talked it over with the wife when I got home. She crunched some numbers, and figured out I'd be slightly ahead on pay, (no over time) at the current job, even with deductions for insurance and whatnot. I got another 2 ish years of crap schedule at currently. Then I can pretty much get on dayshift. Weekend work is mandatory at both places, no getting around that. So I'd literally be going for the pension.... and I'm not really into high voltage stuff.
So, again, don't know what i want to do. Seems there's a bunch of guys that will be retiring at my work over the next few years as well, which will give me even more seniority... quicker to day shift.
Decisions, decisions.....hummfff