Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I cut bowl blanks for my Nephew who's into wood turning like that, cutting the pith out. Do you seal the ends of your blanks to minimize splitting?
No, because they aren't that important to me., they were all destined to be firewood anyway.

I can always get plenty of wood out of them to make toys with very little waste, and the rest goes into my woodstove in the shop.

No, because they aren't that important to me., they were all destined to be firewood anyway.

I can always get plenty of wood out of them to make toys with very little waste, and the rest goes into my woodstove in the shop.

I just meant how do you keep the toys you make from splitting. I'm guessing, just AD and then make the toys out of the remaining good wood?
Congratulations! Nice bird. How long of beard?

Last day of my season I had a gobbler stall 60 yards out in a full strut from me. Too much underbrush between me and the bird for it to come any closer. I could just barely make it out that it was fanning toward me.
Thanks, I believe it was a bit over 10" with 1" spurs.

That's a bummer when they hang up like that.
Then there was this in the back of the ute

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Then the owner of the property behind which the tree fell turned up. So, the area between your property fence and the road doesn't belong to the land owner here, it is called 'road reserve' and belongs to the local shire. Now, if you ask the shire if you can cut wood on the road reserve, they say no. However, if you don't obstruct traffic and the wood disappears, they think "Great, we don't have to contract someone to do that". If it happens to be a road at the end of the road to nowhere, well, doubly so. Even then, occasionally the landowner behind the road reserve can be a pain.

So he winds down his window and says "G'day mate, can you take the trunk as well? I'm getting too old for this and I've got enough wood anyway".

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Well, what scrounger would say "no"?

That's right, one of those woodbuggers with their tiny (probably husky) homeowner saws who would steal the rest of my Monstromint scrounge. And that's why I'm going to cut 2/3 cord an afternoon every day until it is all gone and then I'll pile up the junk and make it nice and neat. And then, I will take the Monstromint trunk.


Then I went home and unloaded the trailer - stihl the ute to go.

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Scrounge on :rock:

That looks like a good stash of kindling:

I just meant how do you keep the toys you make from splitting. I'm guessing, just AD and then make the toys out of the remaining good wood?
I don't get a huge amount of loss and I'm waaaay ahead on blanks so what I'm using is "mostly" air dried.

Keep in mind, toys are small; using small pieces of wood, so they don't warp anyway, and even if they did, (they haven't) it's a toy that kids love anyway.

When I go see him, he has a whole fleet of trucks/cars, and he gets them all out and lines them up for me to see. lol

Awesome scrounge! That trunk will be a few truck and trailer loads.

It must have been a huge tree, not massively tall I think judging from how far the debris is from the base but extremely broad. I generally think that to get 5 or so cubes from a single tree is pretty good going but I've taken that and I'm not remotely close to half way. While it is 30km away I can park right next to it and it is my favourite scrounging wood so I'm motivated to get to it while it's there.
And AC/DC are from Australia :rock:
not Austria. :innocent:
They are amazingly similar and only on opposite sides of the planet from each other. What's a hemisphere got to do with it? Besides the type of electricity they use shouldn't matter. After all it is just some electrons rolling around. Can't we all just get along? Good-day mates.