I have eaten many a wild hog. A big boar will smell like pissing on a fire while cooking. In areas where hogs are a nuisance, and hogs are killed by dozens or hundreds each year, the big boars usually become buzzard bait. The sows or piglets are what are harvested for eating. Even harvesting sows, a lot of the meat is thrown away. You remove the back strap and the hind quarters and dump the rest on the buzzard pile. Not practicle if you only kill one or two hogs a year, but when you kill a couple hundred wild pigs a year, you tend to take the choice cuts and throw away the rest. Wild hogs dont contain the same amout of fat as a pen raised hog and that fat is where the stink is kept. Trim the fat off the meat and you get rid of the stink. Same for a bear, trim away the fat if you are going to eat it. Pen raised hogs are usually cut when very young if being raised for the meat, and breeder boars are cut as soon as the sows are bred if you want to fatten to be eaten. Since most of the wild hogs we get endup as sausage, you add fat back to the meat as you grind it. This fat is usually purchased from a butcher or grocery store. My local Ingles cuts pork on Tuesdays and I will buy up 5lbs or so to keep in the freezer for when I make sausage. You cant tell the difference in taste of a wild hog and a tame one doing it this way. Doing it this way, I dont notice the stink. I usually do 25lbs at a time, but have done as much as 600lbs in a day. It takes a lot of people to do 600lbs in a day. Men deboning, women mixing the seasoning and the kids carrying pails of meat to the grinder. We use a 5hp 220v Hobart commercial grinder for that quantity of meat.