Another nice day here today, sunny 70's, so I decided to run the BSM.
So, off I go with my loader tractor grabbing up this pretty nice older cherry, first trimming up the ends with my chainsaw after loading it on the BSM,
With that done, I started by taking the "slab" off and then a "flitch". I always use my winch for turning these bigger logs when working alone,
I like to load the lumber and slabs on my pallet forks as it saves my back and I can move them later, to wherever I want them,
anyway, I kept sawing around the log until I had a "cant",
I try to "grade saw" these nicer logs, but sometimes you just can't because you are chasing all the tension that's in the log. Anyway, If I can, I like to make several cuts before idling the saw down, then moving the boards to the pallet forks,
Anyway, here's the lumber I ended up with,
as it's going to sit around a while before it goes to is new home, I put it on stickers. As you can see, there's some really nice lumber in the stack,
With that done, it was time to kick back and watch the sun and the moon do their thing!