Took from 8am till 8pm to get it all done. The back wall isn't fully screwed in place, but good enough for the moment. By about 6pm I was really slowing down. Took the next 2 hours to get the rakes and ridge cap on. I don't know if it was from all the chalk on the roof from snapping lines or if it was just since it was cooling off, but right at dusk the roof got real slick. I was straddling the ridge cap, just counting down screws till it was fastened. I did 20 foot of sure vent on either side, should be plenty for a 30 foot long building. Em-seal for the rest of it. Little annoyed Martin's substituted quad seal calk for geocell. I'll have to see if I can find it somewhere else. The quad seal matches 100% spot on, but just seems super thin and squids out real easy.
Anyway, I more or less met my goal for the day. Hopefully it's not raining when I get home tomorrow from work, then I'll finish screwing the back wall in place. Just have the upper run of screws by the rake to get in it yet. I'll have to predrill them as it's going into one of the main tubes and the tek screws drill ppint arnt quite long enough to break through.