Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I'd give away 100 face cord of sugar maple tops, blow downs and standing culls if anyone I knew wanted to come get it.

I'm talking logs also, not cut and split.
Let me know once it's cut and split and I'm in!!!!! Lol
I took 3 trees.down a while back and offered them to several people. No one would take them if they had to cut cut them but one offered to. " help me out" once it was split and oh of course I'd have to bring it to them since they didn't have a truck. I almost got it all burned this year!
First time I had Bk Locust, when the bark fell off, I'd throw it in the burn pile. Now I save it for fire starting/kindling.
Unfortunately there's a lot more bark than what I need for kindling, so off to the bonfire it goes.
I cut some locust a few years ago. Seemed to be about the same on chains as the local eucalypts. Dried quickly, split awesomely. The torsional strength was amazing, I came across a sliver that was 4 inches across but wafer thin and it had almost no twist in it. Density was comparable to our local eucalypts, a bit denser than peppermint, a bit less dense than blue gum and quite a lot less dense than yellow box or ironbark.


The ash factor was bad. I put a round of locust in next to a bigger round of peppermint.

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A bit later...

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The ash in the locust stopped it from burning down properly, I couldn't burn it on its own as it filled the firebox with ash and unburned charcoal. 1/3 locust with 2/3 peppermint burned down ok, but still a lot of ash.

All that said, I would stihl scrounge it. The BTUs are there and the bark is great in the firepit.

Stihl smells though :laugh:
Just keep out the part about you'd scrounge it and talk about how it dulls chains, don't need anyone desiring it around here; leaves more for me!
One of the main reasons it dulls chains other than it being harder than a large portion of the trees we have, is that hold a lot more dirt in the bark fissures. But, I like that if you wait a bit the bark falls off an then you don't have to worry about that, just the normal dulling of somewhat seasoned locust.
It does stink and pop though :baba: .
Let me know once it's cut and split and I'm in!!!!! Lol
I took 3 trees.down a while back and offered them to several people. No one would take them if they had to cut cut them but one offered to. " help me out" once it was split and oh of course I'd have to bring it to them since they didn't have a truck. I almost got it all burned this year!
With friends like that, who needs a job, at least you're retired so you don't need the cash:happy::lol:.
Unfortunately there's a lot more bark than what I need for kindling, so off to the bonfire it goes.

Just keep out the part about you'd scrounge it and talk about how it dulls chains, don't need anyone desiring it around here; leaves more for me!
One of the main reasons it dulls chains other than it being harder than a large portion of the trees we have, is that hold a lot more dirt in the bark fissures. But, I like that if you wait a bit the bark falls off an then you don't have to worry about that, just the normal dulling of somewhat seasoned locust.
It does stink and pop though :baba: .
Mornin' chipper!!! You are spot on about locust getting way harder as it dries out. I cut some that had been standing dead for a bit and oh my!!!
Mornin' chipper!!! You are spot on about locust getting way harder as it dries out. I cut some that had been standing dead for a bit and oh my!!!
I call dead standing wood, wood snob wood, its some of the best wood you can get and it takes a lot less time to season. Sometimes it's even ready to burn right then, although depends on how long its been dead and the species.
These are the next two I plan on taking down, no-one here wants elm or willow. We used to have a resident willow and black locust guy, but he checked out of this thread last yr iirc.
Nasty looking beasts.


Chipper, that’s 10 rounds at 50yrds

I like using old shovel heads as targets🤣
I shot it once then aimed for the hole

Beer bottle I used for reference View attachment 1176712
Not bad. Why'd you go with that barrel vs the kidd.
Yesterday my daughter got a little vermin with the .17, she's not done much shooting, but enjoys it. She's also slower than molasses to get moving, but if I tell here to grab one of the tractors for something, she's running to get it lol. She's a sassy little thing, probably gets it from her mom :innocent:.
Yep those are ugly but the wood stove won't care! I find most dead standing will born minus however much of the trunk is wet from wicking action. You are correct again tho that even that section will dry much quicker than green wood.
They won't be in my woodburner, they're destiny is a large bonfire right down the hill :blob2:. Unless you want to come save them lol.
People laugh at me when I do the three saw plan. When I'm working 50-60hrs a week, you gotta cut when you can.

Locust is probably what I cut the most of, if sharpening my chain is the hard part of dealing with it; it doesn't bother me a bit, compared to how it is to work with. Now, the prickers/thorns and the way the splinters feel I could do without!
A nice 1/8" chip is great in BL LOL.
Sounds like you’re dealing with Honey locust . I’ve cut a few the thorns are everywhere on the tree . In my experience black only have a few thorns at the base of the tree if any at all .
I call dead standing wood, wood snob wood, its some of the best wood you can get and it takes a lot less time to season. Sometimes it's even ready to burn right then, although depends on how long its been dead and the species.
These are the next two I plan on taking down, no-one here wants elm or willow. We used to have a resident willow and black locust guy, but he checked out of this thread last yr iirc.
Nasty looking beasts.

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At least it's close to the burn pit. lmao :cool: OT
I think momma got killed or threw this little one out. Yesterday I was working on my JD X485 when it showed up a foot away from my foot, then wondered off. This morning it was at the bottom of our deck stairs when I went out to feed the birds. Shortly afterwards it was up near a concrete slab we have between the house and garage. I gave it some birdseed. Now I have a new friend. It sleeps curled up with its head tucked up under. My wife decided to feed it peanut butter, bread and some banana. It loves the banana the best.


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Not bad. Why'd you go with that barrel vs the kidd.
Yesterday my daughter got a little vermin with the .17, she's not done much shooting, but enjoys it. She's also slower than molasses to get moving, but if I tell here to grab one of the tractors for something, she's running to get it lol. She's a sassy little thing, probably gets it from her mom :innocent:.
The fluted stainless one was on back order….
So this one was worth a shot
First time I had Bk Locust, when the bark fell off, I'd throw it in the burn pile. Now I save it for fire starting/kindling.

Peppermint bark is ok for that too. Blue gum and candlebark bark is horribly ashy. It goes in the burn pile. Besides, with the renovation of the house, I have seemingly a lifetime supply of cedar for starting fires. Even then, I'm being a bit tight with it, only a few small bits along with some splitting trash of whatever hardwood I've been working on.
These are the next two I plan on taking down, no-one here wants elm or willow. We used to have a resident willow and black locust guy, but he checked out of this thread last yr iirc.

Yeah, @turnkey4099 . Had a medical episode that left him blind so no more wooding, his sister or daughter wrote a farewell note from his account. Anyone know how he's going?
Sounds like you’re dealing with Honey locust . I’ve cut a few the thorns are everywhere on the tree . In my experience black only have a few thorns at the base of the tree if any at all .
Nope, although I have.
You have much to learn young padawan, in time you will find that they can have them on young trees and older trees in the tops, but not on all the older trees. It's nice when they have none, but unfortunately that isn't always the case.
At least it's close to the burn pit. lmao :cool: OT
Precisely. It will all be added to the pile with the tractor as well :happy: . The last time I helped him/his grandmother out over there we had a massive fire :surprised3:.
Really windy today and very smokey. Supposedly from forest fires in Canad-eh. I’m not sure how they have any timber left to burn after the smoke we’ve endured the last few summers.
I burned all the brush from that maple this weekend, sorry about that 😆.

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