I was looking out the back windows at mom's and noticed a doe browsing and moving to the SW in the woods behind the house. Then I noticed some motion to the right of it maybe 50-60 feet away... I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be an antler. With that I grabbed the binoculars and went outside. I snuck around the house thinking that they were both going to move to the SW inside the tree line. I figured I could get a better look from there but couldn't find them.... However, with all the thick brush I kept looking as I didn't see them break cover. I eventually moved to the other end of the house and started glassing again. Bingo! It turns out that the buck had bedded down within feet of where I saw it. It looked like a decent sized buck (especially considering all I was seeing was multiple 4 pointers, what was probably a 6 originally but now a 3 on one side and a broken off stump on the other). I held my position and the buck and doe were watching me... I took some photos with my phone.
I take this as a good sign as all the deer that move through that area end up in the woods where I hunt. One year a 10 pt. was behind the house and he's been hanging on my wall for years.
It's kind of early but that buck seemed to be exhibiting rut behaviors, e.g., trailing the doe, hanging out close by. Maybe I'll get to see a good chase through the yard!
Bedded down
Following the doe
All the dead trees you see in the photos are ash... or perhaps I should saw were ash! When all the ash were alive those woods were park like... trees with no understory. It's different now! There are lots of song birds again like when I was a kid.
I take this as a good sign as all the deer that move through that area end up in the woods where I hunt. One year a 10 pt. was behind the house and he's been hanging on my wall for years.
It's kind of early but that buck seemed to be exhibiting rut behaviors, e.g., trailing the doe, hanging out close by. Maybe I'll get to see a good chase through the yard!
Bedded down
Following the doe
All the dead trees you see in the photos are ash... or perhaps I should saw were ash! When all the ash were alive those woods were park like... trees with no understory. It's different now! There are lots of song birds again like when I was a kid.