NiceI have too much grass and if I don't use it, it turns to weeds. My grandfather was the rancher, I make my money from other things. I was never into being a cowboy and neither was my father. Now my neighbor is a real cowboy and he runs about 30k head on my land in the summer. Him and my grandfather were good friends so I just let him use the grass for free as a thank you for helping my grandfather in his later years.
It goes on for miles and miles...
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Nothing like the last minute . Making a temporary filler for where the old cooktop was . Buddy’s drum sander is on the Fritz so I’m doing it somewhat old school . View attachment 1222333View attachment 1222334View attachment 1222335View attachment 1222337View attachment 1222336View attachment 1222338
Upstate is beautiful. The Great St. Lawrence property on Wellesley island has been in my family since 1910.Upstate is beautiful, I live in the Hudson valley which is equally a beautiful. Just don’t really care for my state’s politics, but we don’t discuss those in this thread. View attachment 1220808View attachment 1220806
White oak . The edge does have some spalting but it’s still solid.Good looking grain there. A little spalting on the edge? What type of wood?
Looks like he finally got the roadrunner.Spalting makes some interesting designs View attachment 1222385
That sounds all to familiarAfter watching my grandmothers fiasco there were a couple of family members I never spoke to again including my mother and aunt. I have little time in my life for vindictive, selfish and greedy people.
I have a 454 BBC that powered a generac generatorOne of the secret places to look for old Chrsler Hemi's were big farms with irregation pumps. They used 354 Hemi's. Also farm generators, and the old Air Raid sirens. All ran on NG. I read some were documented with over a million hours and we're spotless on the insibe.
I thought he was hard to talk to, at least with that a cutter would have a chance lol.But he did challenge me a bit.
Yep, and looking back I definitely had a sense of entitlement that I was blind to until after the fact in my situation. But when you’re fresh and young you think you know more than you really do about life.Yup… Generally inheritance is a gift, not an entitlement. Those thinking they are entitled probably don’t deserve consideration…