Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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It wasn't the name itself my wife rolled her eyes at so much as the reference. Our other labs name is Bo - think Dukes of Hazard. Wife has a pretty good sense of humor but even she thought it was cheesy. Like I told her, it's just the good ol'boys......
All you need now is the General to haul them around in. 😂


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I feel for you. I went through a similar situation when Dad passed away. Still Pi$$ES me off when I think about it. All my sisters wanted the cash so we had to sell Dad's boyhood farm that he plowed with a team of mules when he was a teenager. Luckily, I sold it to Dad's boyhood friend, who has adjoining property and the current farmer who use to farm it for us. Dad didn't really want to split it up, but this was the best way to insure it went to the right people who appreciate the land.
Sorry to hear your problems but as I found out the hard way, have someone in the family die and have money involved then you will see people's true character.
It wasn't the name itself my wife rolled her eyes at so much as the reference. Our other labs name is Bo - think Dukes of Hazard. Wife has a pretty good sense of humor but even she thought it was cheesy. Like I told her, it's just the good ol'boys......
Ohhh believe you-me, I know exactly the reference. That’s why I love it!!
Sorry to hear your problems but as I found out the hard way, let someone in the family die and have money involved and you will see people's true character.
…and see how fast other family members rewrite their wills to cut people out completely after seeing the true character of relatives! 😉
I managed to get some rotavating done today,


It's one job with a tractor I don't mind doing.

My Dad was a lawyer, my Mom a Paralegal and the office manager. She told me a long time ago that there are more family disputes over inheritance than you can believe, often about stuff they had no idea existed! (Which is why she said it made no sense). Don't expect anything and you will be happy if you get something, but not disappointed if you don't.
This was posted on another site and seems to help (and his explanation makes sense).

It does... and is not functionally unlike what I did/do.

I worked with a personal trainer for a couple months before I did the bicycle trip from CO to WA through the Rockies and Cascades with my son in 2011. The whole agenda was to try any and everything that could help me keep going while on the road. I was in my mid-50s when I did that trip... and smart enough to know I could cripple myself if I wasn't careful. Between riding and sleeping on the ground most nights during the trip that was a real possibility! 😉

The trainer presented me with a wide variety of options geared towards potential physical issues and pre trip strength building... Yoga, Pilates, Balance Ball, weight lifting, etc.... Once on the trip I needed a short list of things that worked... I knew I wouldn't have the time or energy for drawn out routines! I quickly found the Yoga warrior poses 1 and 2 worked well and in a similar way to the video you posted... They helped me lengthen the tendons and muscles that start getting shorter and tighter after spending hours and hours, day after day, for weeks and weeks when I'm on a bicycle trip. Doing that eliminates the pull I feel from my heel up through my lower back and relieves any sciatica issues that crop up. Combined with the chi gung warm up exercises while in the sleeping bag (which let me get up off the ground!) I was fine up until the crash in Lowell, ID. I cracked ribs on that one but that's another story. 😉

Hopefully you will quickly find a short list of things you can do to gain relief without a bunch of drugs and medical providers... After all, they are incentivized to keep you as a patient for a long as possible! 🤪
…and see how fast other family members rewrite their wills to cut people out completely after seeing the true character of relatives! 😉
After watching my grandmothers fiasco there were a couple of family members I never spoke to again including my mother and aunt. I have little time in my life for vindictive, selfish and greedy people.
I’ve seen it happen too. Many times.

My grandmother’s family had a cousin and the cousin had no siblings or children. When she died, she left her inheritance to my aunt (grandma’s next older sister) because those two were very close and the cousin wasn’t that close to the rest of the siblings including my grandmother. My grandma and all but one of the siblings had no issue with this but the oldest sibling threw a fit and didn’t speak to my aunt for many years.

I didn’t speak to my father’s sister for many years. My dad passed away before my grandparents and as a result, we didn’t get his share of their estate because my aunt took much of it after grandpa died and grandma moved to senior apartments. The things that I wanted weren’t even of any value, but my aunt took them anyway and wouldn’t give them back despite what grandparents had said or like the war letters wouldn’t even give me a photocopy of them.

I’ve seen fights over the silliest things down to stuff as menial as Christmas ornaments.

The two ideas I like the most are First, some families will give each kid a pot of money and then tell them they need to have an auction to buy all of the stuff from each other. Secondly, I know an older fellow who flat out told his kids and step kids that whoever helps me around the farm when I’m old will get all of my money. And he left everything to the son that helped him!
Installed some wheel spacers on the 68 the rear tires got lost in the wheel well . Common issue with 67-68 Chevy trucks the rear is about an inch narrower than the 69 up trucks View attachment 1222020View attachment 1222021
My 66 F100 is the same way, Its got 15x8s on the rear and 15x6s on the front to make up for it. I have a 9in axle from a '79 truck that I am going to put under that will even the track width out so I can run 15x8s on all 4 corners.
I’ve seen it happen too. Many times.

My grandmother’s family had a cousin and the cousin had no siblings or children. When she died, she left her inheritance to my aunt (grandma’s next older sister) because those two were very close and the cousin wasn’t that close to the rest of the siblings including my grandmother. My grandma and all but one of the siblings had no issue with this but the oldest sibling threw a fit and didn’t speak to my aunt for many years.

I didn’t speak to my father’s sister for many years. My dad passed away before my grandparents and as a result, we didn’t get his share of their estate because my aunt took much of it after grandpa died and grandma moved to senior apartments. The things that I wanted weren’t even of any value, but my aunt took them anyway and wouldn’t give them back despite what grandparents had said or like the war letters wouldn’t even give me a photocopy of them.

I’ve seen fights over the silliest things down to stuff as menial as Christmas ornaments.

The two ideas I like the most are 1) some families will give each kid a pot of money and then tell them they need to have an auction to buy all of the stuff from each other. Secondly, I know an older fellow who flat out told his kids and step kids that whoever helps me around the farm when I’m old will get all of my money. And he left everything to the som that helped him!
Wife's parents are well off and in their 80's. Big house, land, diesel truck and giant fifth wheel, 7 figure investments etc. They recently got all the kids together at a family bbq and told them they were dividing things up and to let them know what they wanted so it would go into the will. That's the way to do it. Kids asked for antiques, agreed to sell the house and split the money or sell their share to one of the others and other stuff. Wife called me to see what we wanted. I told her nothing except, maybe, her dad's lightly used MS 261 if no-one else wanted it and maybe the lawn tractor with the snow blower attachment but if they wanted to sell them to a neighbor that was ok . Other than that whatever she wanted but she didn't want anything except some sentimental stuff with little monetary value.
I have been screaming for over a decade that school buses should run on Natural Gas.

Nothing like jogging down the road and have a diesel bus start moving in front of you ... not pleasant!!!

The technology to run on Natural Gas or Propane has been around for a long time. Heck when I worked in a warehouse in the 70s all the forklifts ran on propane. They were considered "safe" to run inside!
One of the secret places to look for old Chrsler Hemi's were big farms with irregation pumps. They used 354 Hemi's. Also farm generators, and the old Air Raid sirens. All ran on NG. I read some were documented with over a million hours and we're spotless on the insibe.
I’ve seen it happen too. Many times.

My grandmother’s family had a cousin and the cousin had no siblings or children. When she died, she left her inheritance to my aunt (grandma’s next older sister) because those two were very close and the cousin wasn’t that close to the rest of the siblings including my grandmother. My grandma and all but one of the siblings had no issue with this but the oldest sibling threw a fit and didn’t speak to my aunt for many years.

I didn’t speak to my father’s sister for many years. My dad passed away before my grandparents and as a result, we didn’t get his share of their estate because my aunt took much of it after grandpa died and grandma moved to senior apartments. The things that I wanted weren’t even of any value, but my aunt took them anyway and wouldn’t give them back despite what grandparents had said or like the war letters wouldn’t even give me a photocopy of them.

I’ve seen fights over the silliest things down to stuff as menial as Christmas ornaments.

The two ideas I like the most are 1) some families will give each kid a pot of money and then tell them they need to have an auction to buy all of the stuff from each other. Secondly, I know an older fellow who flat out told his kids and step kids that whoever helps me around the farm when I’m old will get all of my money. And he left everything to the som that helped him!
That is why I decided to let my situation rest and move on, my wife was done with the situation and I needed to look out for us as we had just gotten married and were looking to set down somewhere and raise a family. No material thing or land for that matter is worth me not talking to my family over. Dad is the last one left from his side of the family other than my sister and I and his sisters kids who have not spoken to us for years. Death is real and can happen at anytime, as did with my grandfather, he was walking talking and getting around good for a 78year old man one day and fell over the next, so you really do have to enjoy everyday.

Dad obviously was not ready to let go of the property, even though he was initially on board with the idea and then stalled HARD once we started working on things. Mom gave me the green light to even bring it up as he took my grandfathers passing very hard and I think he was using going there and taking care of stuff as a way to cope with the loss. I was also a little blinded by " I have worked hard here my whole life, why wouldn't he want to let me keep it going" and " I gotta keep the family farm land farming" mind set. Dad is also a stone wall most of the time so talking about this stuff is difficult. He was considering selling me like an acre to build a house on but I did not want to do that as if it ended up getting split with my sister I would still end up with houses right on top of me and have to look at what once was everyday. He was going to let us live there in the house until "we figured things out" which I know from previous experience would've just been putting it off until the end of time. We did briefly live there and put a lot of sweat equity hours and cash into the house that was there to make it livable as it was a borderline hoarder situation coupled with age neglect and a cat that used it as a litter box wherever it wanted. A lot of people probably would've knocked it down and started over. We wanted to add on significantly to the house as it was pretty small even for just us two so we wanted at least the house and stuff in our name to protect our investment in it but that was not an option to be considered so we decided to move on at that point.

In the end it is his property, it was left to him and not me, sitting around and just waiting on it to be passed through inheritance is a crap way to be and live so I was not going to do that. Logically it just does not make sense looking at it all from the outside as there is an empty house, yard, and 15 acres with cattle on it there now that he takes care of on top of the 40 acres where I grew up plus a full time job, and I can see it wearing on him. He is retiring in a month so I guess he wants to farm both properties in his retirement, but he often talks to me about how he has a second job taking care of 2 properties, is always so busy that he has no time to do anything else, and how he has to make it look like someone lives there cause people will come there and steal stuff with nobody living there. I think he could've retired a few years ago if he was not trying to maintain the place on top of his own. I just enjoy the time I have now to spend working with him at either place or the place I now own, as Mike said, no expectations leaves no disappointments. Dad and I were inseparable when I lived at home, we did everything together and had a blast doing it including working with my grandfather there, so I guess that is where my disappointment in the situation comes from mainly. Now he is always busy at his places and I am often busy at mine.

My mom and sister was on board with my wife and I getting the property and working out some sort of deal to make that fair to her as she has no interest in keeping any land so maybe I can still end up doing something with it at some point.
Secondly, I know an older fellow who flat out told his kids and step kids that whoever helps me around the farm when I’m old will get all of my money. And he left everything to the som that helped him!
The best story I know involves someone who lives around the corner from my parents. A widower owned a very successful business. In his declining years his sons offered no help… they stood by waiting for the Inheritance. However, his ex-daughter-in-law took care of him. After he passed his sons found out he had married his ex-daughter-in-law and SHE GOT EVERYTHING! 😂
After watching my grandmothers fiasco there were a couple of family members I never spoke to again including my mother and aunt. I have little time in my life for vindictive, selfish and greedy people.
Yup… Generally inheritance is a gift, not an entitlement. Those thinking they are entitled probably don’t deserve consideration…
My son did extremely well deer hunting despite the fact that there are very a few deer up here. He got a very nice 10 pointer up at our cabin. The next day, he was hunting with his grandfather and got a five pointer and the following week got a very nice eight pointer with me. I joked I’m going to have to get a second job to cover all the taxidermy fees lol.
Pics or it didn't happen. 😉