ArboristSite Lurker
Here on the wet side of the Pac NW (nw oregon to be specific), there’s always plenty of trees and plenty of storms. I have a couple trucks, a trailers, and multiple saws all ready to go at a moment’s notice. We had a doozy of a wind storm last year. I came away with 12+ cords (and a lot more if i wanted it). All FREE from various areas. Word of mouth and i knocked on a few doors as well. Craigslist ads can be iffy since there’s going to be multiple guys who are after free wood as well, so you literally have to battle to get the first pickins. Show up really early (30 minutes before the crack of dawn) and you should be the first in line to get free wood.Thought maybe you guy's that scrounge wood, might share some of your scrounging methods with the seemingly growing crowd of newbie wood burners. From what I have been reading, they would be quite appreciative to hear how you score, and where you score. There is a lot of useful and interesting information scattered throughout the firewood forum. I thought it might be nice to share some of your experiences in one thread, for those who are just starting out and maybe those who are struggling a bit. Thanks to anyone who cares to share.
I’m a one man band and have the equipment, knowledge, space to process and store/stack wood, and the physical fitness and strength to make downed wood magically disappear from a home owner’s property quickly and efficiently…which they absolutely love.View attachment IMG_9804.jpegView attachment 1230409