That's true, thank you for reminding me of that.
After the previous administration decided to outlaw has appliances, I went out and bought another gas stove and dryer. I know, I know, I'm paranoid, but I
I didn't know what was actually going to happen. I figured I was better safe than sorry and I had room to store them, so I bought them.
I haven't been happy with the quantity of water that dishwashers and washing machines use for about the past 7-8 years.
In 2017 (maybe it was 2018, I can't remember exactly) my favorite Whirlpool washing machine started leaking. The tub was cracked and not worth fixing. So I went out and bought a new washing machine. The new machine was a Maytag (someone later told me Whirlpool now owns them).
I think the MSRP was around $900, I bought it in full, paid cash.
The first things I noticed were all the added electronic features, washing cycles, and what seemed to be a relatively cheaply made machine, at least for $900.
Then the machine really started to make me mad. I would come in from the shop or some other outside job and throw my dirtied clothes in the washer. And I really hated it since that first load. It took it over an hour to do one load, compared to 30 minutes on the old machine. The dang thing would lock the lid, "a safety feature" . That made me mad because occasionally I forget things in my pockets and have to run down and take them out. And the machine was a pain in my *** to override the safety lock.
Then when I would take out my "clean clothes" it was still covered in dirt, grease and grime. This went on for a little bit and I decided to research it. I came to find out that the stupid thing was literally weighing my clothes to decide how much water to use. Yes, you read that right, it was weighing my clothes.
The only fix was to wash everything in the "heavy sheets" cycle. Even this didn't totally fix it, my clothes was never as clean. Problem was the drain holes on the tub were too small.
A friend of mine that's a firefighter has continually had the same problem.
I fiddle farted around with that dang machine for 2-3 months. I finally got fed up with it and sold it at a great loss after I found a better machine on Craigslist.
The machine I found on CL was an older Whirlpool like the one the Maytag replaced. I still have it and am very happy with it.