Hey zogger, I partially agree especially since you said "Not a real hard exact rule"

I find it to be a bit different according to what I've seen in our market. The best deals are sniped(remember the app for doing that on ebay)right in season. Most people are like me lazy, fortunately for me they are a little bit worse than me. They do not list items out of season because they "will not sell". I used to look for things out of season all the time, very little these days. The main time I find stuff out of season is when people are moving or just a normal garage sale. What makes these deals hard to find is that unless you look through the "garage sale list" specifically you will only find them when searching a specific item or brand. I like doing brand/item searches, but they can also be troublesome Example; Huskee log splitter, the owner list it as a Husky logsplitter, or wood splitter I would not have found either, I search them all(huskee husky splitter logsplitter woodsplitter, even spliter) looking for the stuff that falls through the cracks, and now and then I get a nice morsel.
I was looking for roto tillers today and it is very limited right now and no deals. Come spring someone will pull there's out like they've done every spring since they moved to clean the garage, and decide maybe I should sell this since we don't need it. They won't even look to see how much they are going for, but list it for way less than they bought it for because it will not run without the choke on. In comes Brett, with cash in hand, clean carb and list for a fair profit

I do agree, that craigslist might not be the best place to look for a turkey gun for sale(it is a prohibited item) although I really don't think that's what you meant. Thus lies the question when do most people sell a turkey gun, when do people sell them the most, when will there be the most to compare prices to, and to use a negotiating tool in a purchase(I don't do this in regards to craigslist, it was said for the benefit of others

I do agree that we should keep our eyes open in season and out. Whenever we are in a place of desperation we almost always end up making a sacrifice on some aspect of a purchase.
Thus the adage: you can get it cheap, you can get it right, or you can get it now, pick any two.