My free wood story. The next door neighbor had a huge oak tree taken down a couple years ago. It was close to the house so they took it down in small pieces. When they got down to the trunk, they cut 3' chunks, that ranged from 4' to 5' in diameter. The tree service had a Bob cat that could barely pick up the trunk pieces. Now here is Larry the wood scrounged, hey I'll take a couple trunk pieces, if you put them in my splitting area and deliver some of the nice top sections. Well when it was all done, I had a bunch of top pieces and 12 60" diameter trunk rounds 3' long. They are a little awkward to deal with but the red oak is awesome. I have two pieces left and worked on them tonight
>Now here is Larry the wood scrounge...
" Go Larry!~..."
small scale urban forestry, part II:
I just finished hauling in some
free scrounged oak wood, limbs and trunks... oak and cedar, cedar for outside use... in from a neighbor's, couple houses down the lane. but no 60" diameter stuff...

not even sure where I would put it, much less cut it up... but I will say this: way to go!!

here are some Before and After pix of my oak scrounge site... and some of the booty!:
The Booty:
and some for
Brutus, too.
got the biger chunks in on a nice sunny day... skid row, chains n bolts... but the rest... yesterday... cold, gray, windy and rainy!
rainy! nobody was outside but me!!! gloves, (needed 3 pairs) chaps, boots, rain coat, orange safety vest, 2 sets ear plugs, googles and my saw! me and my saw! teamed up... still, clearly - no two ways about it... getting wood is hard work, and so...
now the real work begins.